Chromis’ colors and Welcome Center are updated! I’ll update the image in the main [Chromis I] --[T3 - Rugged Lush Sovereign World]-- [Active] thread sometime in the next few hours once I get a break.
Thanks for voting, everyone! I think this was a really neat experiment and I would like to do another soon! If you have suggestions for other big shakeups to the color selection process, feel free to share them!
For July, we’ll be doing the normal theme survey, so if you have any suggestions, pop them in here! I’m having trouble thinking past “It’s 90 degrees at 5:30 AM” when trying to come up with a month-appropriate theme, so anything is welcome!
The theme survey should go up on July 11 and the color change should happen July 25 or 26. I’m thinking August might do a dual survey thing and do color changes the last week in August and the first week in September, just to align the surveys with the months without losing a color change, but I’m not sure.