Chromis I is a world where the colors are decided by community poll!
As always, there are two one-week polls. The first week determines the theme, and the second week determines the specific color selections. Color selections are hand-picked to match the theme while also ensuring most options are not currently available on known worlds.
Additionally, at any time, anyone is welcome to request that a color be added to the survey, regardless of the theme. This world is here to help you get the colors you want! Make sure you take a look at to check if your desired color is sovereign selectable.
I’m looking for colors you would plausibly have in a palette for a picture of the sun. I’ve got a cold this morning, so I’m being a little lazy and not culling similar colors as much as usual. Most of the time, if you see lots of options, it’s because they all fit the theme and none of them have been on worlds.
This all turned out darker than I expected, but I think the outcome will still be nice.
As always, comments on how the polls are set up are very welcome! Please let us know how we can improve the process!
Suggestions on improving the world or requesting farms are welcome here, on the Chromis I thread, or via PM in or out of game.
I searched for dark grey gleam specifically for a project and saw there were no worlds with it, but based on the gleamhub’s note board, I guess it’s a brand new color and I just happen to have wanted it right after it got unlocked???
Anyway, the poll is looking good! You guys are so sunny and bright!
The world has been mostly gloomy blue for a couple months, so I’m excited for this one, assuming it isn’t usurped!
Remember, if you have any specific color requests to have added to the survey, get them in soon, even if they don’t match the theme.
Flower and plant suggestions are welcome up through the end of the color survey, since we don’t do polls for them. Those also don’t have to be on-theme, but it’s nice if they are.
I’m going through TNT and PS and scanning every sov I can find so my “what colors are available” search is up to date for the poll.
Thanks, that’s awesome to hear! Since the only feedback I get is footfall and poll votes, I just keep on going and just assume the people who want the colors are getting what they want.
I’m always curious what people harvest, and this goes for anyone who uses Chromis - What do you come for, and is there anything we can do to improve your gathering/farming?
I have dark grey gleam on my sovereign world Vandi I. I have a very good spot for gleam farming. Saw that you scanned it so you probably went there. You can get a full inventory without needing to regen. Except at the end for the next person to have a fully regened farm
Hey, yeah, I scanned as many worlds as I could find today. I got some dark grey gleam from the other world with it (EOS, I think?), but I’ll need some more, so I’ll probably stop by. Thanks for letting me know you’ve got it!
I like to harvest sand, peat, clay, and silty cause I never have enough and sometimes the lustrous. I also got lots of tangle around Christmas to make green lights cause you had mint tangle at one point.
Votes so far are looking interesting. That light mustard gleam looks like it might be good for simulating an incandescent bulb.
I’m hoping the bright colors are bright enough to give the The Sun look we’re going for
Awesome, thank you! And thanks for staying on theme!
Do you think soil regen farms would be worth setting up, or is it easy enough to gather naturally?
Soil regen farms are great. @Host has a silty soil farm that is massive on The Future. I’ve been looking for a spot to make a peaty soil farm but have yet come across a spot with that huge a peat deposit,