Clear view of aim assist

I’m looking for the post, it showed how to change the position of the character. This is always in the middle, i.e. the crosshairs / aiming aid is in front of the character, not really well solved.
In the post you’re looking for, the char was dragged slightly to the left and the crosshair/aim assist was fully visible.
Wanted to test it, but can’t find the post anymore, if someone has the link to the post, I would like to thank you in advance.

This might be related - I’m not sure and @Jiivita indicates that aim continues to be centered on the character position regardless of how you move the camera.

It sounds like it might be MORE confusing.

The crosshair definitely won’t be precise anymore for tools, weapons, interacting with door/chests and shop stands.

But it works fine when aiming at an exo with the totem.

Makes fore nicer screenshots and videos, but suicidal grappling

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Have found some tweaks, but the displayed center no longer agrees, if I e.g. want to harvest something and use the aim assist, i miss.
You have to adjust something else.

@Lesioui yes, i noticed that too

This one maybe?

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hmm that’s an interesting request… as far as I know there is no way to “move” the visual character model to the side without changing their true location… the best you can do is change the camera location relative to the character. This has the unfortunate effect of making the crosshair inaccurate, but the other way around would make the player model inaccurate… like “walking inside of the wall” inaccurate when running down narrow mine tunnels :rofl:

On a somewhat related note… I once tried to customized character height (since that is already something that can be changed and therefor might take a custom value) so that the character would be shorter than the crosshair but didn’t have any luck getting it to work.

The crosshair is locked to the camera where as what the character is aiming at is locked to the character. So if the position of the camera is changed it will change what the crosshair is aiming at but NOT what the character actually is aiming at / going to hit. However the aim assist (when the crosshair goes red when aiming at creatures) is based on the character’s true aim and is therefore unaffected by changing the camera position. for this reason the third person mod is fairly usable when moving the camera up a bit to see over the character’s head… but does not well when trying to go for an “over the shoulder” type view. For the crosshair to remain accurate in an over the shoulder perspective, the crosshair would need to dynamically update it’s position based on the distance of your target or something to that effect.

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