Coin donations to service providers

I would like to be able to donate coin every now and again to those that provide services in Boundless, like organised hunts, farming hubs and portal hubs.

I know most people have an oort donation basket, but I usually wanna hang on to my oort. (In the hope of oort weapons and tools coming along…)

I thought that if there was a shop stand selling something that is worth nothing (rock salt eg) for 10c each to avoid tax, people might be inclined to donate in that manner.

You could even have a request basket buying them back for 0c next to it so our inventories don’t get clogged up with junk!

Just a thought I had to help those that might wanna contribute in some way.


People can always put buying peat for 100k each (or whatever amount) in request baskets. Thats a donation method, they would just need to set them up at their hunt lodges.



10 char

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They still get coin lol

If want to avoid it then leaders should make a guild book for people to join and donate directly. The person doesn’t have to make it their main guild. It just a provision to transfer coin.


How about dis master Bobs

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Sure it would be nice, but do you want to wait for a solution, or make a easy solution for it ourselves while people wait?

I also feel most people would leave a big pile of mud in them, since they look like toilets lol.

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I’d rather wait just to troll you <3 haha

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Feel it!!!


Probably the best screenshot among my 8k or more screenshots xD

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It’s one of my favorites also…mainly because you are feeding Bob and patting my face with your grapple :kissing_heart:

Purely for no reason I thought I’d chime in on this:

In ITIL (IT Helpdesk standards) you’d be talking about the definitions of “Fix” and “Workaround”.

For any given “incident” that someone has an issue with, you can help them sort it out, and that’s great. If many folks are having an issue, or it’s persistent, then a “problem” can be raised. A given problem require a “fix” … however, there may be a few “workarounds” that can patch up users’ systems in the meantime.

It’s a nice shorthand, which I tend to overuse everywhere … :weary:

((( full caveat in case someone needs to be right on the internet - i may not be wholly representing fixes, work arounds, incidents, and problems perfectly, and i don’t much care - it’s been a second since i did! - but i’m in the right broad area with it all … and it serves to demonstrate fixes and workarounds a little :wink: )))

I got one thing I think out of this. You work in IT xD

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Almost deleted this from my phone the other day then remembered you and i was like nah keep it :joy: