Coin Issues - Warning

Just wanted to warn folk to be careful with their coin from shop stands or to or from the guild control until we see some sort of message from the devs, we seemingly lost 40K in profits tonight to the void when collecting it, I saw a post in here earlier of coin going missing during a guild transfer seems they may have incidentally messed that up with this latest hotfix/patch, recommend testing with small amounts before you play with large quantities hopefully im wrong and this warning is not needed but 40K in our shop versus what could be millions in yours felt worth the warning none the less.


Ah thanks I almost went around and cleaned up shop stands this afternoon, too.

Could you go in more detail about what you were doing in game?

@FabianKern you created a forum topic, but then deleted the post. What was the outcome of this?

no outcome but not a single comment either. still waiting for a response via discord

Recently I changed the amount of coin in one of my request baskets from whatever was in there to zero to try to put it back in my character and I don’t think it did. I didnt take any screenshots but I could try to replicate.

The co-owner of my guild emptied the basket it is my understanding that she put in a support ticket, I was told the 40K once removed from the basket simply never showed up in her available character coin count. We are so used to doing this everyday so I don’t think she was paying attention to the before and after totals she had on hand but rest assured we are watching now, I have a sneaking suspicion it was tied to the horrendous lag yesterday

Did she check all of her characters, just in case?

im sure she did she only has the two of them, were not tossed about the 40K tbh it was more a warning to the greater community to be careful and test with smaller amounts until either the devs make a statement if its patch or hotfix related or just a lag incident from yesterdays latency issues.

Why take the post down if the problem exists? I assumed you realized it was user error…

No. thanks for the assumption. I took it down because I was frustrated. I didn’t get any answer to a very urgent problem, so I decided to use a more direct way - pm James on discord. After that the forum post seemed to be unnecessary.

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I think the assumption was reasonable… also reasonable to give the devs some time. They are pretty good at responding to support posts… sometimes time differences are not on our side. :blush:

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That’s why I reactivated it :slight_smile:

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Whilst I can sometimes help via PM’s I’ll normally ask people to report support issues on the forum so that other members of the team can help resolve the issue.

Let us know if you are able to reproduce this?

Who is the co-owner?

@vdragon her characters names are: Eldrani and Rubii
she told me she was on Rubii when the issue occurred on 12/3 sometime before 7PM CST
this is as specific as I can get.

Forgot to ask, what’s the name of the guild?