Lost coins while donating

No. other than coins missing just the typical (about one minute) delay until it refreshs the coins that I donated.

Did you by chance have 1,185,595 before you donated?

If so, there was a double donation of 360k to the guild or 360k to the guild & the other 360k went into outer space :space_invader:

Could be. As I stated, I do not know the exact amount. Guild did not receive twice the amount and I did not donate another time

So space owes me 360.000 coins? :smiley:

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nothing new so far.

what you mean is not automatic donation, you mean footfall controlled by guild.

i had the same problem before some time, i spent 40k coins, but the guild logs say i have not spend any coins at this time. And this was to Ultima too and ultima is my main guild. And i have look to the other guild, nothing to coins was lost to space too

I’m not sure why the game would repeat the action twice. Did the chat channel indicate the amount of coin that was donated to the guild by any chance?

The other forum topic mentioned losing 40,000 coin:

It’s not the same guild, is it?

Hearth Guard is our guild we only have the one guild minus the public mint guild we set up within our hub. we are not affiliated with Saint-X
@vdragon we are not concerned about 40K man don’t worry about this whole post was just a warning to the community about some lag or patch shenanigans seemingly happening im pretty sure its the server lag that caused it at this point it was particularly terrible after the last hotfix for that day.

losing during transfer, i lost coins during spend coins to the guild

in my case the chat say nothing, only the coins was not any longer on my character, but this was before over 1 week

me too, ok i have lost 40k (that is not less for me, but its happen ok) but i spend no money atm more because i want not lose any coins again

Hi! Nothing in the chat channel. I also do not know why the game should do that. But twice the amount seems to be more logical than some other unrelated amount of coins…I think :smiley: I checked what I could check, I don’t know what or how it happened. It won’t kill me financially but it’s still time I lost.

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Nothing new. Still waiting

if @james or @vdragon you need any screens from guild log i can provide no problem. we checked together with @FabianKern and we see only one donation of this amount the other one is not in the guild logs and also not on guild account. so it went into space.

Did you save a video of it? I presume not or it’d be here and too late now though. Not that I don’t believe you of course, just that it would presumably help the devs.

A video? I didn’t knew that something like this would (could) happen. So no, I did not record it… .It could not be duplicated today, but does that mean that it won’t happen again? About the believing part - If I would want coins I’d just stop donating so many.

If you still have the information from the time that donations were made, that would be interesting to see.

Hello? It’s astonishing how little you care :smiley: please give me a final answer. I would prefer hearing " yeah ■■■■ happens we won’t do anything cause we don’t care" over weeks of silence/ not answering.

I’ve not been able to reproduce this so far. I was hoping to see some of these guild logs that @Hashmalash mentioned previously, plus any other additional information that may be of use.

ah lol i completly forgot yeah im on it ill send the screen to u asap. Sorry :slight_smile:

screens send :slight_smile:

It’s not clear to me what the issue is that you’re reporting:

The claim is that:

Had about 1.1xx.xxxc in my inventory, donated 360.000c and now got 465.595c left.

(maybe 1,185,595?)

And the Guild coin changed by:

1.080.000 before and 1.440.000 after

When did donation happen approximately? 3rd Dec?

Well guess this still needs to be fixed… just lost 350k coin I donated to my main guild….