Color Mixing Utility

No worries at all! Happy to help!

Oh and “Mixer” is for seeing what you’ll get from mixing together various pigments, and “Mix Finder” is for knowing if I want color B, and I have color A, I need color C, along with quantities. That one is a tad more volatile though, so results may vary!

Does anyone know how tiebreaks are handled in the mixer?
For example (one of each):

Dark Grey      L: 26.21 A: 00.00 B: 00.00
Black          L: 09.77 A: 00.00 B: 00.00

There’s no gray color in between these two, so how does the game pick which is represented?

If there is no color between dark grey and black it will return the one with the most in the balance. So either dark grey or black.

I want to say that ultimate ties are broken by position in the pallette. But I can’t recall if it’s the lower or higher number in the pallette that wins. Probably lower number.

Does this still work? If so I will add it to my website. Great tool!

Since you know how to make interactive google sheets @Firehazurd, do you know how to improve the color sheets at all?


Cool, I’ll experiment with it and report back if it’s consistent. Thanks :slight_smile:

It does still work! Which color sheets do you mean @DKPuncherello?

You mean this one?

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Position doesn’t seem to matter, and the color that wins out doesn’t make much sense to me as I’ve been experimenting.

@james How do tiebreakers happen in the mixer between two similar colors?

Have you been logging your results?

Yep exactly

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Maybe a color selector like what’s in the mixer that will bring in other details about a color? Like you pick black and you can see all the places that blocks of certain colors are available?

I have a version saved to my drive where I organized the colors in a way that made more sense for chromatic organization, but other then that, I think it’s already pretty great!

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Nah, I just tried about 6-7 color combos looking for a pattern and didn’t find it. I’d like the math reason beyond a list of “this one wins”

Edit: Hold up it MIGHT choose it based on the color name itself alphabetically thinking back on it. I’ll have to check. Nope :confused:

Yeah that would be awesome!

I can help with that, I’ll mess with it this week in my own version and try to give you something to work with!

How do you make strong blue

Strong blue is one of the extreme colours so I think the only mixes you will find for this have to include a substantial portion of either strong blue or deep blue.

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Can I get luminous colors from mixing white with something? i’m having trouble using the tool.

I don’t think so. Luminous is a different axis than white. I think if you have some luminous, you can stretch it with other colors though