Combustion fraction

Has anyone mastered a lay out for combustion fraction farming with 80% crop and 100% seed?

Trying to get a yield to match this. With my lay out I can get some to be this, but not all

What is your farm layout - do you have a width limit or are you looking for something that works on a large tile-able area? I am not certain that a flat 80/100 is possible for all crops, but there are layouts that can do that with the odd plant having higher seed (preferable to a few having <100)

It would end up being a mix as by adding seed chance past the level that benefit both seed and crop the next thing added to bump seed to 100% ancient corruption will remove 40% crop chance per near block to a given seed.

Therefore a staggered input of corruption would likely be the best bet.

yeah, this is basically asking for a layout where exactly 2 corruption are near each fraction.

I have so far been unable to find a tessellation that fits this constraint, but I have a couple that get close depending on if u wanna go over or under on seeds. The edge of the farm will be a special case and that needs to be done per-farm, deciding if u want more or less seeds determines how your edge looks like. will post a screenie in a minute

Are you looking for something like this?


No, you’re looking for something like this…

:yum: @SolidAtomic
Slightly less corruption in mine, nice layout

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That is something more like I’m looking for. I’m looking for a large scale 80/100

my layout gives all combustion fraction crop 80% crop and 100% seed yields uniformly


My symmetrical brain could not make the leap between 3-spacing horizontally and only 2 spacing vertically lol :see_no_evil:

How do you do yours?

So 80 crop and 100 seed.

Trying to get no seed loss.

Lava on the bottom of copper-chiseled blocks, 3 spaces horizontally between corruption, 2 spaces “vertically” between corruption. It’s a nice grid shape and has no problems at farm edges especially if you have corruption on the 4 corners in the layout. It is indeed the better setup

Edit - ^^for Solid’s layout


I cleared some crop to show the layout surrounded by glass blocks.

Here’s a screen of what’s beneath the gravel


Okay, I will attempt to try this. Thank you guys. Still trying to wrap my brain around it.

This topic came up just in time, I’m about to rip up my fractions and go over to 80/100 and was kinda dreading my way :joy:

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@SolidAtomic thanks for sharing I will be changing my layout to mirror yours also. Is this something I can visit? If so let me know the cords or how to get there please.

I got a portal linked to Portal Seeker on Beckon.

Thanks what’s the name of the portal

doesn’t have a name. It’s the middle one, on north side, right behind portal to Biitula.

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All my combustion fraction farm is set for 80% crop and 100% seed, 3 plants wide in a straight line. The ends of the rows I do have to embed extra corruption in the walls so the end caps have the same percentages, but otherwise it’s pretty self explanatory.


Doesn’t the seed on top of the blocks with lava burn off?

Well, clearly it doesn’t, but I know it does with goo if you place it on the bottom of a lava channel block!

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