yeah cuz you HAVE to open it the right way, otherwise it’s all a mess.
it would be a cool thing to have a stairway to somewhere else, but i don’t think you can implement it in any way but down, cuz otherwise you can’t place the stair block needed to climb upwards.
@knightsb I’m on right now and have the location set on Vena V. I’m about to warp in near to your portal room, so tell me when you’re ready to set up :3
I can’t right now, eating atm. Be there in 30 mins. Go exploring and come back later 
Sounds great, I’ve got some chiselling to do on Vena V anyway ^^
Alright. I am on now. You can come place your portal 
Running in from your northwest, it’s funny but your location is almost on the opposite side of the planet from Vena V I’m about 1k blocks away and closing
First portal opened at the town by @AzureHelios
So, I starting poking around the internet for inspiration of a name for the town I started. And, I came out with a name that I thought maybe some what fitting - Tjentzu; pronounced “Tjen Tzoo”. This game is an international game now, and we do have an international audience so I thought about having something that sounded international. Found an Eqpytian town name generator, played around with it for a while, modify some of the options a little and “Tjentzu” was born. I felt it sounded a little Tibetan and some Mandarin, basically in Mandarin it sounds like “sky pearl” and I liked it a lot. A cliff hugging town with buildings hanging in the air, and suspended islands, quite fitting. So, I supposed henceforth this Andooweem town will be known as “Tjentzu”.
I’ve done horizontal portals before. They aren’t actually as bad as you might think, although you can’t see where you’re going through them (oddly you can see creatures/torches/plants but not blocks… period), so don’t go jumping through any you don’t trust. Typically you’d have both portals set up in the floor, and if you fall or jump into one you launch out of the other one with a bit of upward momentum, and a fair bit of sideways momentum (you have to actively try to have much chance of falling back into the portal you just shot out of). You could also set up both portals in ceilings three blocks above the floor so that people can walk under and jump up.
The only nasty part comes if you try to align the portals the other way, up-to-down/down-to-up. That one has a bad habit of dropping you straight back in when you try to jump up through it, and it can launch you in totally random directions at fairly high velocity as well last time I tried it.
I’m going to head over to the pixelgate thread and see if there’s a location there they would be willing to let me open a portal from there to my locale on Solum, that would link Tjentzu with Pixel Gate via a few hops.
haha… thx… it is much appreciated. Maybe it will bring some diamond hunters in to build a base here.
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Sorry to be confusing I was gonna set the portal from Andoween to Andoween but if you want it on Vena that’s cool to. Both will cost the same. I will set it up in about 3 hrs
No… Andooween to Andoween is perfect. It was the orignal plan.
Oh… and btw… I saw what happened in Elop Portas.
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Alrighty!!! Announcing Tjentzu’s portal gate to @Jeffrotheswell gateway in Andooweem is LIVE !!!
Thanks @Jeffrotheswell for setting this up, and @AzureHelios for setting up the other portal.
And a big thank you to @Jiivita for his portal video tutorial without which I would probably never have succeeded in making the portal face the right way on first try.
I forgot to mention that the plinth at Andooweem just outside Jeff’s portal gate is GONE, now that the portal to Tjentzu is active.
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I just found out last night how extensive @Rolco’s town was linked. There are 3 networks in his town vicinity @Jeffrotheswell network, @TwistedFoot network, and @Karokendo’s Solumn Network. Took me 3 weeks to realize that, and now I am feeling very lucky and blessed to be part of the network at Andooweem too, with the addition of @AzureHelios network.
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I think the new name is awesome! Really fits the hanging aesthetic of your build
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Thanks, but that is assuming in the future those who come will build likewise, hanging off the island and cliffs. But, even if it does not, it is still OK. As long as it becomes a place where people are glad to visit, I think everyone will be happy.
A whole city hanging off islands and cliffs. The lore writes itself! Great job.
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Well. It hasn’t happen yet. Lets see if organically it will happen. Like I said, I’d like it to happen but I am not going to enforce it to see it happen. I left huge parts of the area empty intentionally to allow people to build on it. I am also interested to see what others will do to make a city happen.