Complaints about changes

If you read the first post you’d see I was already flipping his words on him heh.

I don’t think economy in this game is a failure, in fact I think is one of the strongest points of the game. The problem is that a healthy economy takes time and we are not yet there. The are a lot of plots with shops stands, but I cannot call them ‘shops’.
I think a good shop is defined for what it buys and not for what it sells. If you know a shop that will buy some of the things you don’t need, and you know the request baskets are always refilled with coins, then you don’t need an npc.
I’m running a shop ‘The miners shop’, where I buy any kind of color and you will always found a good amount of coins on the request baskets, so if you are a builder you can go for rocks, keeps the ones you want and sell the others.
I saw the other days a post from a guy that is doing something similar with wood, I hope things go well for him so you can have another option to make some money.
The only thing that I think this game needs urgently is a way to sell beacons (I mean a group of plots), so you can make some money being a builder and nothing else. As the game is today, if you want to be only a builder and nothing else it becomes a hard task to get money.
Also, developers have the tools to know which shops are important to the economy so in the case of one of these players just quit the game, they can fix the problem (I hope they do it)
just my 5 coins :slight_smile:

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There are 2 very specific problems with this tho, one of which irks me badly and might ■■■■ others off too and why we don’t ‘sell’ using Request baskets.

First being, not every item is being ‘Asked’ for. Say for example, you accidently created too many Workbenches? Or any other Machine?

How about Stone? Or Refine Stone? Or Wood and Refine Wood?

How about Copper and Iron Bars, and not the ores?

This is the first problem. People usually only want to ‘request buy’ the basics. Ores, not Bars. Trunks/Rocks, not stone/wood and Refined stone/wood. No one ever requests any machines, or food, and many other items.

You can’t go mining for 12 hours, turn all your rocks into stone to turn into Refine stone, and turn those into Decoration stone, and then just find a request basket for Refine Stone and Stone. They don’t exist. Just the less than 18 rocks can be sold, usually for 1c each, so 17c max. Not much money for 12 hours of work, huh?

Then there is the second problem. The one I really hate, and I bet a lot of others do to. It’s when you go into a shop and notice “Oh look, they buying copper Ore for 2c! I can make some mad money with all this extra Copper Ore!” But then look around the shop and see they are selling copper for for 5c.

… For those of you too slow to process the ‘Issue’ here, let me spell it out for you. The shop, is hoping you are stupid enough to sell them all your ore for 2c each, so they can turn around and sell that same ore to other people for 5c each and make 3c off your stupidity.

And this is something I’ve seen in nearly every shop I’ve ever been to.

Generally it’s a good way to see who is a trust worthy shop owner or not, by checking their request basket against their sold items.

If someone is buying fiberish leaves at 10c each, and buying iron ore at 5c each, then you check and see their iron tools are 300c each, you’re getting ripped off.

And seeing stuff like that turns me off selling my items to request baskets hardcore. I make some money, yes, but I effectively get preyed on and someone else making even more money off of me. That’s something I can’t stand.

That’s one of the downsides to the economy in this game that people subtly prey on. Because they can request items to craft something, then sell it for more than they are spending to buying the items to make it.

Request Baskets should be to get items you can’t make without having to go out and buy itself, or sometimes willing to spend a little more or little less for something to get it quicker or from a helpful soul. Not to be used to prey on the stupid to make money.

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Well, this is why I said that there are a lot of plots with shop stands but they are not shops for me. I saw a lot of this stupid RPG like rate where a request basket offers 1 and the shop stand ask 4 for the same item. I just run away from that shop.
For the request baskets with processed material, perhaps I cannot see it, but I cannot find a good reason to add a request baskets with refined stone or copper bars. If you want the experience from crafting is ok, but I don’t know why someone will try to add a bunch of request baskets with this materials. But as I said, perhaps I’m not seeing it.

I see your point on people being greedy but also copper for 2c being sold for 5c is the least of rip offs. People hardly sell their metals and ive sold 1000 iron at my shop, buy for 4c, ive made 6k coin and have to keep making it myself because nobody sells to me cuz they want what im selling for or more. Centless on grovidias te is the biggest offender of all shops for all items. They charge 650c for reactive lamella and its not even hard to get anymore. They sell their coils for 35-40k ea and and pretty sure they buy all items at 1-10c ea. And they get tons of footfall because they have big portals everywhere so they are not short on coin.

Keep in mind too not everyone has tax epic and tax goes on both buying and selling, so if im buying silver alloy at 95c ea im actually paying 104c. And then i sell at 130 which gives me 117c, mean id make 13c on each bar, but ive only ever bought 5 and my prices are based on most others to be higher than most. If i dont make some extra coin i cant stock my basket to keep buying, im not buying and selling for fun, im doing it so i can provide a service and be able to support my adventures too, like most people.

Yeah, that footfall machanic is really messing with new or lower tier people that have low number of plots and/or out in places where people don’t visit often.

Sure, they get some footfall and it helps once in a while. But then you get to the people owning most of the land in capital and portal hubs and they don’t even need to play the game cause they can just buy anything and everything they ever need. Just cause they got up a portal hub first, or bought enough plots in the beginning of the game to start laying down a city quick with some friends.


It helps the poor get pennies, and gives millions to the rich. The poor stay poor, and the rich stay rich.

Yea not to mention the amount of new people is going to putter out and new planets will stop spawning, so the opportunity to be the top of the world will stop existing…oh wait

Yea. Centless is pretty crappy. Ultima Hub had to force them to close some of their portals because they had 3 of them into our hub. If it were up to me they would have none.

Actually through biggest problem I personally see is this. After looking through all the skills, feats, objectives, and all other accommodations in the game, I was left feeling very overwhelmed. In particular there is a feat that needs to be acchieved by resetting your skill points. Resetting 1000 points. This is just too much, as firstly not everyone reads these forums and will learn that skills keep coming after level 50, second 1000 skill points? Even if you saved all your cubits, and had your 3 free skill resets, that’s 5,600 cubits spent on just skill resets tokens. This alone makes me feel like this is a cash grab. Otherwise how else is a player supposed to get plots for building, get the face masks, and all other manner of things that requires cubits to purchase. Either a significant increase to cubits earned, or vast reduction to cost of cubit consumables, ie plots, color tints, and other useables, will make players, myself in this instance, feel like paying for cubits comes secondary, and not feel mandatory.

I have been playing MMO’s since Ultima Online and this is just blatantly false.


This is just for single points, not full skill resets. You earn a skill reset point per level even after level 50 - no cubits are needed at all to achieve this.

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Thank you, another old’ie mmo player.

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What at 1reset point per lvl, be real man, with no cubits spent, that would mean you’d have to be lvl 180, to get a completely free skill points reset, new players not knowing this are going to go through those, like I myself did, trying to get skills in areas they deem most appropriate to their current situation. So unless someone comes forward saying DON’T DO THIS, a lot of players will end up in the same situation, and start grumbling about what seems to be a forced pay the devs money situation, not saying it specifically is, just that’s how it’s feeling.


You don’t HAVE to get that feat. It won’t give you anything special in the game besides some XP. It’s a super long-term goal for people who have been playin’ for months and months I’m sure an’ by the time they get it, they won’t need the XP.

Your obviously not a PS4 trophies Hunter, to blatantly sit there and say “There’s no point” means you don’t get platinum for all trophies in a game. And even if you’re not on PS4, to say “It’s only a bit of xp” no it’s not just about the xp, it’s also about the self satisfaction of completing the goals the game devs have laid out. So don’t down play how someone likes to play.

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I never downplayed anything. I want’to understand.

What does a trophy do for you? Why does it matter? If the devs had a platinum trophy that was “play 5,000 days” would you try to achieve it?

Do you feel bad if you can’t achieve a platinum trophy?

Yes, that what you do for trophy hunting. Why is that such a difficult concept to understand? As I stated it a self satisfaction of accomplishment.


And besides this isn’t about me or my feeling, this is about in game goals that make you feel like you need to spend real money to achieve, so address the issue I’m bringing up not me.

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Edit, you are right @Heximiasma . Sorry.

Don’t put words in my mouth or accuse me of such things.

I’ve never worried about achievements in my life, so I asked him why it mattered. Why that suddenly makes me passive aggressive, I have no clue.