Good morning all - we’re going to have a little server downtime at 2020-09-22T11:00:00Z to roll out a small update. Shouldn’t be down for long, and we’ll let you know when we’re back up.
Plz be atlas fix for 6km worlds!
and broken sanctum warp when using filter in location list
Also maybe the Creative Bridges that we can’t open. ^^
I’ve run out of beer please fix
hands you a glass of whiskey neat
Guess I’ll do the housework then
Here, some from me too →
Even if the devs haven’t gone through all theirs these last few weeks, hate to take away what little they might have left by this point!
More for the devs too, on that note →
and some
I think we’ve had enough of Devs on the beer in the past 24 hrs, don’t you?
(* Looks straight over at Sean Murray)
gonna sit here and eat a jalapeño every minute until the servers come back
I’m not going to regret this at all
edit: I have regrets
I’m wondering if Sean had something a bit stronger than beer there… Not that I’d blame him at all, the way we are…
Said it before, but after hearing they’re friends, would soooo pay to be a fly on the wall when any of the WS & HG crew start talking about their fanbases, haha!
I’m lost what did I miss. Whose Sean Murray.
#blame @Jeffrotheswell
Ya know that part in Beavis/Butthead when Beavis has had to much sugar and hes just standing still tweaking… making incomprehensible sounds??
Well, I’ve had my coffee, please make game work now…
*starts making incomprehensible sounds
good luck taking a poo later… IT BUUUUUURNS!
So YOU’RE the one who got this planet then!!
Sorry, sorry, but I’m just still laughing too hard at this…
Haha oh geez yea. That would be something. And we could make them regret it when sober and get them to give us all the nice things as compensation… Yes, good plan! I’ll start a whip round to buy them more booze!
He’s the lead developer of No Man’s Sky and based on his Tweeting last night, he was clearly very very drunk lol
and back
wheezes in jalapeño agony
Servers back up! yay