Cooperation between portal networks

I think (for new players) it’d be nice if TNT wasn’t on a planet that made them need to know about protection points. That isn’t a complaint, more just … I dunno … it’s daunting … I didn’t go wandering around for a while because of that.

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U know its not that bad cause most new players don’t go searching till at least 5 and by then they have a few skill points to readjust to compensate for the planet. Or the cheap food we have at many locations to there to help with it


I think protections require level 10 or 15 minimum.


Hmm u might be right

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This is due to Circ being the closest in range for blinksecs to all of the t1 to t4 planets. The T3s would make many of the portals prohibitively expensive to keep running for the long term.


Ahhhhhhhhh … cheers, Soju!

This is why even though I don’t have my crops or workshop on Circ, I use the roadie hunting tower I built next to Tigg’s Tunnels Circ node as my 0c-warp home beacon. It’s one local portal away from three major networks and the result is I don’t put off going to this or that place as much as I used to.

On a side issue: I still don’t understand why all the T6 NS T5 planets are so far apart from each other.

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Ah … I did something similar, but just built a portal outpost near the Sochaltin I GTG Outpost that already had a Compass in. So I can still stay remote, even on SochI, but equally bang out into (as you say) multiple places quite easily via those hubs (and Grandeur, now).

Decided to then open that little of mine up for anyone else that wants a local hub. Just need to finish ■■■■■■■ around with it. :smirk:

this is very very old EA post off me butt would this sorta help its a icon and color coded system i made for portals
if every portal ingame uses a sort off universal info system we work out
could be helpfull maybe

also we know have real icons but still would prefer these ascii ones lol


Yeah, but a different colour system that doesn’t compliment yours [/playfultrolling] ; - )

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the red for hubs was kinda a troll anyway back in the day

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hah! nice! XD