Coronavirus (COVID-19)

my country is closed, everything is cancelled, many people staying at home. some big food supermarkets reserved 2 hours a day for the elderly, face masks are becoming mandatory in shops for everyone. there is of course a massive shortage of those, so we are crafting our own #BetterThanNothing
and of course lots of incompetence, denial and plain stupidity…

not great, not terrible

as for me, I’ve lived like this for years, and all the older folks in my life are taking it seriously enough.


Reason for the thread yea because some ignore it and play the game yet it bothers them now they can just share their feelings and get an idea of how it goes in a different country and different point of view from others


It Bothers me Cause I’m out of :cookie: s in RL me going Bonkers


There are some stores, businesses, churches, schools, etc that are offering free food, via drive-up/walk-up…no questions asked. Do you have anything like this in your area?


I Did until Ma Household got Quarantined so I can’t even do that ( ;.; ) but me have Boundless and da Awesome Community that’s a plus (^-^)


I’m personally effectively quarantined for the next three months as I have had transplant surgery. Worst part is a friend who visited me on sunday has just tested positive. He is doing ok but if I have got it I suspect there is little chance of the same being true for me.

Worrying times.


first part of your comment is horrifically wrong. Heat does not kill the virus. It is spreading throughout the world, even in ‘high temp’ areas at this time. Where ever you heard that is disinformation.

Second, the virus can have an incubation period of anywhere between 2-14 days. This means you can be carrying and spreading the virus for up to 14 days and not know it.

The US is reacting way too slowly and doctors in hotspot areas are getting rationed Personal Protection Equipment while nurses are a)having to reuse old materials (very very bad!) or b) arent getting equipment at all.

I go shopping early in the morning before people are awake.

In the US the majority of the cases are age 20-50 - people who thought they were invincible are the widest hit at this point, though the mortality spikes we see currently are in older care facilities.


I think this is a great chance to finally get away from this silly commute stuff. I really hope the coming two years will transform our civilization into one that prefers home office. Requires less infrastructure, produces less pollution, wastes less time commuting, allows you to focus better while working because you don’t get interrupted all the time. It’s just all around a win.


It’s nice to hear others stories. :heart: Not in a misery loves company sense but a stronger together type thing. (In spirit not physically within 6 feet)


It’s been interesting talking to my parents recently about their experiences during world war 2 (and the immediate years after), and the sacrifices of their parents and others around them…it helps me put the current situation in a bit more perspective.
Also just watching the world news and documentaries about the countries and their peoples that are in conflict and have been for years makes me very very thankful that I’m sitting in a comfy chair playing games.


I live in Belgium so we are all almost totally in lock down.

  • Work has to provide telework if possible or take all safety measures. If they don’t they have to close down and get money punishment. If then they still do not comply the Gov will shut them down.
  • Only food stores, pharmacy, banks and the post office stay open but people are only allowed in 1 person per 1m². So going to buy food is tedious to say the least.
  • You are encourage to go out and walk/sport etc but only max 2 persons and they still have to take the 1m distance. Police can at any time ask for your passports and ask you why you are outside. If they see more than 2 person this is considered an offence. Also taking your car and driving further than the next town is an offence and police is controling and sending back.
  • Schools and universities are no longer teaching classes. They do provide a place kids who have parents who work in care and can’t be missed atm. All other kids have to stay home but are not allowed to be babysit by a grandparent.
    Schools and uni provides scholing online as good as possible.

For me and my family this means that my daughter hasn’t been allowed home since two weeks because her boyfriend was sick and the risk for my bad health is too great. She is living with her boyfriends family for the time being. Who knows for how long
My son is stressing because he is a first year student Russian/Bulgarian/Slavic cultures and they need to be bale to interact with their professors specially for the languages. My daughter is also stressing about how the exams will be etc

My husband and me are both mildly ill the last few days. We are having mildly trouble breathing, coughing and feel light headed at times because of lack oxygen. Lucky we don’t make high fever and we will get through this without much more. fingers crossed
For now I am not getting tested because there are simply not enough testing kits to do so. If I do get worse then yeah they have no choice.

Elderly people get to shop between 8-9 am without younger people allowed in. My dad +75 was waiting 15 min before opening time and he was the 29th person in the row. When it was his turn he could only buy mince meat. All else was already sold out…People are still hoarding sadly :frowning:

Today experts in Belgium are telling us that we need to prepare for an extended lock down for sure. We all hope this school year and upcoming Summer is not going to be taken from us too. I can now predict that we will have an increase in suicides.

I am sorry I sound so gloom.


I am so sorry… :frowning: Will be thinking of you, hope you both are better soon, like Host said, we’re here for you if you need to talk or vent!! Hugs… :hugs: (Luckily can still do virtual hugs! )

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I got a bit mad the other day when I saw some comments from people in US on discord about how inconvenient and exaggerated it all is. I admit I am highly sensitive for it all and feel bad for my harsh words but we get to see footage from a collapsed healthcare system in Italy where 500 death a day is a reality.

With US healthcare policies I wouldn’t want to live there atm tbh


I can only stress, even if you are at home… get anti-bac tissues, wipe your mouse/keyboard regularly. For phones, which are also a good carrier for anything really, some say you shouldn’t use anti-bac wipes; BBC had a guide on how to was your phone with soap. Guys and gals, do that regularly. You know how it is, even at home… you know where you touched yourself (pun not intended) and what you touched during the day, for us nerds, phones and keyboard and mouse will collect anything from our hands. So not only wash your hands, but also any carrier! :wink:

Coronavirus: How to clean your smartphone safely - BBC News


I get what you are saying - I don’t know what you wrote, but don’t feel bad about it. They need to hear it.

It’s silly, but I think a lot of people in the US don’t want to be seen as weak or unable to cope. They think they’re tough and everyone else is just being a bunch of whiny babies about it. (I’m not part of this group - I’m being as cautious & prepared as I possibly can)

Plus, a lot of us have a large amount of distrust towards our government— ie: They do mandatory evacuations for hurricanes, then it barely rains. They tell everyone the flu season is really bad & they should get a flu shot, then it doesn’t work or people get sick anyway. They say “approve this bill so we can have $ to take care of this XXXX”, then use the $ for something else. They say “sign up for this healthcare plan”, then you find out your condition isn’t covered or that you still can’t afford care. Etc etc. Lots of distrust.

At this point, it seems a lot of people are slowly starting to realize they might want to take Covid-19 more seriously. When the store shelves are empty, places are closed, and people around you are getting sick & let go from work…you can’t ignore it anymore. (Every single person could end up infected & there would still be people saying everything is fine and it’s no big deal though :woman_shrugging:. )

TBH, if it gets much worse, I’ll assume we’re looking at Martial Law being declared so they can force people to stay home, etc.


Gotta share this one about the Gamestop thing I mentioned earlier… I don’t even have the words for this… :woman_facepalming: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth: And once again, the sanitation measures they’re claiming are lies, they’re telling stores to get and expense their own sanitizers and wipes and all… which are nowhere to be found, of course!


They are trying to claim that customers have to be 6ft apart so it’s fine.

Regardless, there’s no way to constantly clean & protect every surface from contaminated droplets.

Also…all of their stores that I’ve been in are tiny like boutiques. If customers are spaced 6 ft apart, you’d only be able to fit like 2 in there at a time lol.


I am so sorry that the world being in a global pandemic, with expected deaths going into the 100s of thousands, is such an inconvenience to you!

Real talk. It’s bad now. It’s going to get worse. China is only just now reporting 0 new cases. But it’s still in lockdown. As soon as the lockdown is lifted, expect to see a rise in cases again. It’s taken them 4 months (2.5 of which were in lockdown) to get it under control. We’ve only just started. I’m not trying to depress people, but i’m a realist. We have to prepare for a long time of isolation. Which means… More hunts! Get me dem cores!!

The best way, in my opinion, to get this under control is with social pressure. Make sure that it’s socially unacceptable to go to gatherings. Make sure you tell all your friends and family, that it’s NOT ok to go out. At this point, you could LITERALLY be responsible for a string of deaths merely by going outside, touching public area’s, etc.

The more we adhere to the rules, the lower the curve, the less time we’ll have to spend doing this.

And yes, let’s vet our new sources. Stop believing things you see on facebook. The virus doesn’t get magically killed at higher temperatures (the human body is what, 36 degrees celcius? it survives just fine in there). I believe this fake news stems from the fact that the virus survives less long on surfaces outside the body, in higher temperatures. But it still survives.

Also please don’t wear faceguards unless you are actually infected. It makes your health actually worse and chances of infection are bigger if you wear one while not sick. Plus you’re taking away vital supplies that are needed for those who actually need it.

Last but not least, let’s do our part and burn down every single bloody gamestop we can find. “essential retail” my ash.


For me, the current social distancing enforced in the US doesn’t feel much different than how I usually choose to spend my time. I’m happily married with a 3 year old daughter but outside of caring for them, sharing meals, and the occasional family excursion, you’ll find me right here, sitting on the computer either working or playing Boundless (or sometimes both simultaneously). The only real difference is that I like to eat out a lot. I’ll often have at least one meal out every day (yes, yes, I know). For me, that’s really the only main difference during this time from a purely “social” standpoint.

I’m still hanging out on Discord. I’m still chatting with friends. I’m still texting and sharing memes with IRL friends. It’s business as usual for me just with some enforcement ;).


I’m still going to work every morning with a carpentry crew since it’s too cold for my masonry work.

Other than that, being at home with my kids is Soo much better than being in the desert, in what we called “Satan’s colostomy bag” with bullets flying all around you…