Coronavirus (COVID-19)

I think this info is important enough to share here - first time I’d heard anything about this, no clue this stuff could be the first signs of it- :frowning:

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Through all of this we still can give virtual hugs! Big virtual group hug!


Yep, so much this - hugs, all!! :hugs:


EEP your sqeezing to tight bucfanpaka! Wow your strong!

Hey where my wallet go?


Happened to me to I did see her walking passed with 50 packs of 5 layer toilet paper tho…


Only the Dutch would understand

If it makes anyone feel a little more at ease… I already had it about 6 weeks ago.

Staying at a hostel. Cantonese family in the kitchen with me, and their son throws up in front of me - on my shoes. Next night at about 3am, I wake up in the middle of the night because my throat is so irritated it’s almost closed up.

5 days of what felt like THE worst flu symptoms of my entire life. But, here I am, no permanent damage.

Trying to be careful around others since I may still become a carrier again if I bump into the wrong people, but I’ll admit that I’m eager to be let out of my cage. I’m stranded in London right now, and there’s been talk about antibody tests to determine who’s already resistant to it and OK to move around again… I’d sure love it if those came soon.


All your mushrooms and gleam are gone too, if you haven’t noticed. :smiling_imp::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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OMG thats awesome!..
what do you mean <(O-o)>

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… I actually HAVE stolen gleam from people here while farming. Last time (I think it was Mr. Nix, warped in when he was farming while holding an auto harvest tool) was totally inadvertent though. :flushed: Bad Paka!!

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but…i have not been farming gleam nor mushrooms xD

is it confuse a friend day?

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Guess I’ll have to rob something else then… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

i would let you :wink: but…i might peek…


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This is a really great piece that deserves sharing… :smiley:

Edit: Another one that I think serves well for Boundless too! :slight_smile:


He doesn’t check in here on the forums much, but really want to share this beautiful video and message from @TENTHisle - really worth a watch! :smiley:


full lock down in IE now - only essential businesses open

staying at home all the time apart from:
-going to and from work if its open
-going shopping
-going to a doctor
-one daily exercise (walk/jog/run)
-going to people in need of care
All above allowed only within 2km radius from home.

Any gatherings forbidden (so even 2 people is a no, apart from unavoidable work situation or members of the same household doing any of the allowed traveling based on the list above).

Yeah, so its basically staying within a small circle of people living together in a household. Most of the time.
The rare ventures outside allow us to see others, but with distancing applying, so no getting too close, no shaking hands or hugging etc.

It’s really hard on those who live alone.

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I can’t wait till this whole thing is over.


Smart money says to be prepped for it to be locked up and down in to next year with restrictions coming and going as flares start to peak. Expect to lose that feeling of ‘american freedom’. If we’re going to beat this before a vaccine launches then we’re going to be giving up a lot of things we as Americans have taken for granted for generations. This comes in the way of forced testings/checkups/lockup(isolations - whatever word you want to use for it)

Best case scenario we see a vaccine built out and deployed by mid 2021. The virus is like a 95% guaranteed rna cracker. This means getting a vaccine is harder because the spikes on the virus basically skeleton key its way through anything it encounters.

We may get an antiviral before that though, perhaps in the next 6 months. This means something like tamiflu basically. Just like the flu, you need Tamiflu applied in the initial 2-3 day window of symptoms, and then it halves the life of the virus generally. With Covid19, it has a small window as well, even though the symptoms can last for 10-16 days. If you don’t get it in that first window, the combos they are playing with right now lose their effectiveness.

And that isn’t really a feasible solution until we get at home test kits mass deployed. They’d need to be like pregnancy kits basically where we pay 15-20$ for a kit of 5 and use the kits as needed, and as soon as you get a positive then you contact your general practitioner who could get you the antiviral prescribed.

This solution is what gives us time to a) create a vaccine in the moonshot period of 12 months (people need to understand how extraordinary it would be if we could do this) Johnson and Johnson just announced a contract with the US fed government to begin mass creation of a vaccine but that’s if everything goes perfectly in their trial periods (this is the moonshot being referenced, nothing ever goes perfectly in these scenarios) and then to b) slowly ease workers back in to the economy if they have positive antibody test results (this is an entirely different test needing to be created with a higher than 95% accuracy rating which no test is proven at currently)

It’s not doom and gloom. It’s just the facts of the situation as bleh as they may be. We just all need to mentally prepare for this to certainly last well in to next year and be prepared to address some things we might have never thought would be a need before.

All that said, please wear masks! We created some that say “Wear a mask, Slow the Spread” and “Wear a mask, Flatten the Curve”. Americans uniquely are ridiculously afraid of masks and people wearing the masks. It’s mostly due to ignorance and not understanding the preventative measures wearing a mask can do for yourself and all those around you. Fabric home made masks aren’t nearly as good as the surgical ones we have access to at work, but our clinic hasn’t been able to buy any for the last 2 months so finding creative ways to prolong the life of the ones we do have has been… interesting. So we use fabric ones when we are outside of the clinic.

For insight in to how lacking the US proactive testing system is, our clinic sees close to 100 patients a day. We were given FIVE (5) tests for all of THREE weeks. Those tests are being rationed for the providers instead of patients because we need to be able to quickly diagnose a provider if sick so they don’t become a new vector seeing 20-25+ patients a day. A request for more tests was put out 2 weeks ago, and still nothing to date. Pence and Trump said we would have millions of tests ready 2 weeks ago. It’s all been a lie, even now to this date.

We’re slowly shutting down the clinic and moving patients to telehealth visits. This means our hourly employees are being put off on hours by a drastic amount. We’ve tried to hold out long enough for the current legislation to get done so that they can get proper unemployment. We still see patients that need to be thoroughly checked over before needing a specialist referral but most specialists have quit seeing patients as well (unless via telehealth). our referral backlog has grown exponentially.

So yea, I agree, can not wait for this to be over, but I think it is important for everyone to understand how long term this is incredibly likely to be. As soon as we ease restrictions, we are 100% going to flare up again. This is what I referred to earlier when saying “be prepped to be locked up and down in to next year with restrictions coming and going as flares start to peak.”

Stay healthy!
Wash your hair!
Wash your hands!
Wear a mask and educate strangers on the importance of a mask!