Craftable clothing

Just like the tittle says, craftable clothing with a crafting station so we all arent running around like masked loinclothed savages :stuck_out_tongue:


+1 would love not running around fighting monsters in my skivvies.

Agreed. For a game about customization not sure why I am stuck in my underpants.

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Underpants!!! I thought it was my super hero costume. . :frowning_face:


they used to have clothing models you could select for your character but they took them out i guess?

Yeah I saw lots of screen shots of the people with armor and stuff so I was confused why im almost nude.

Cosmetic clothing will be a thing, IDK about craftable though.
Edit: spell check

Yeah, Iā€™ve been googling like crazy today, trying to find ā€˜clothings optionsā€™, but I find the weirdest sites when I just google ā€œBoundless clothingā€ lol, however! As someone mentioned, they had various different types of looks in the beta, hopefully theyā€™ll bring back some cosmetic armors so you wonā€™t need to look like an ogre-tarzan going wild!

yah im honestly not sure why clothing was never added to the final draft of the game before the official release, even in the game trailer there are people running around in clothing so i dont really get it.

Bringing up this old conversation instead of creating a completely new thread, but with some new flavor. This one is often posted about over the years, here are a couple other threads (there are countless others though)

Letā€™s talk races and clothes - and monetization
Craftable clothes

Iā€™d like to propose that new cosmetics are great (pants), donā€™t need game play added (pants or shorts would be nice though), Iā€™d rather they cost cubits but if say something like a clothes/race pack was sold on steam/playstation store Iā€™d buy that with cash too.

I am intrigued by craft-able clothing as well. If added Iā€™d like this to give us a function as well as fashion. Some ideas would be (all, one, or combination of them):

Add a heat/cold system for biomes that are snowy/icy, and lava filled/deserts. Have special clothing that we could craft to protect from those elements providing a buff (alternatively new foods/brews could also add buffs).

Iā€™d like this to use something we can alter colors with, so maybe use foliage, gleam, or something like that for initial colors, and use the dye system we already have to adjust afterwards?

Armor like protections, give damage resistance to certain types of attacks. Could add atmospheric protections to special pieces as well.

I think craft-able clothing should probably degrade. or at least some types should, armor defiantly, maybe cold/heat resistant stuff, we need more consumables and I think craft-able clothing could be one.

Iā€™m sure Iā€™ve missed some ideas here, tell me you like it, or donā€™t like it, or would be better some other way :smiley:

Iā€™ve been bringing up old suggestions to help keep the community thinking, and hoping, its been almost 1 year since the acquisition started already, and so Iā€™m getting hopeful that weā€™ll be hearing more news soon.


I would like To see this.
Color would be decided by dye you used.

I Also would like some armor like In minecraft.


Iā€™ve often wished the hide you get from killing critters would match the colour of the critter, so you could have different coloured leather for clothing ideas. Of course, Iā€™d also like to be able to make paper, and put paper and leather together to make a book - and then you could have different coloured books on a bookshelf :slight_smile:


I like this idea. It would create some sort of upgrading system For clothing/armor.

As theres alrdy
Etc. Variants of mobs