Crafting Systems

I’m not meaning that…
It’s not being a “Master Crafter” even a mediun crafter just one option more.

And the thing about the recipes unlocked by searching and skill level it’s good, but in the way you can find it, but unless you have the level to make the item its has no use for you, that is the thing wich @Squaremunch tryed to say (Or at least i think)

i still take you are part of the MC player category. which make it totally understandable why you would feel like that.

but as an RPG player its absolutely horrible to not have progression, that is the point of the entire game.

nah that is the problem, he wants to be able to make the recipe even without having any level of profiency in the given profession :smile:

Well what I’m saying is that a player like that wouldn’t be able to use a high tier recipe because he wouldn’t be able to acquire it. You would have to get high tier recipes from high tier worlds. I suppose the other implication of this is that recipes are not tradable.

Making recipes untradeable would be an even worse idea. but what if i have a tier 10 and i send the recipe and mats to my alt. can he then suddenly make the master sword of doom even though he can barely deal with slimes? your next suggestion if hopefully not going to be that we wont even need any sort of profiency for ANYTHING and even a noob should be able to equip master tier armor?

But in a game like oort, having a excesively amount of skills will be problematic…
I will just fall in five… Armor, Weapons, Tools, Food, Building Materials.

The rest are excesive

So an armor smith can both make light, medium and heavy? that sure is an all arounder. there needs to be a bare minimum of crafting professions. i’d say atleast 11

also in which way would it be problematic other than you cant do everything yourself without putting even a bit of efford into it?

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As far as i can see, you shouldn’t need profiency for use one item, but you will need for use it at his maximun (or even better) stats

Yes I’m coming to this game from a MC background. I was very drawn in by the art and great design that Wonderstruck has. Their games are clean (not cluttered). Visually I’m opposed to your systems because they create layers upon layers of cluttering stats and menus. Certain features just don’t work unless you have complex menus. Graphic design in this game is another point that I’m very passionate about.

that is absolutely horrible… holyyy hell…

So because you find them worthless since you dont care about crafting nor combat it is a bad idea?

ah well… this is going to be one of the biggest problem. the MC faction and the RPG faction. cause they are very very different games.

But think this is a game oriented not just to the EXPERT RPG players, its meant to be a sandbox RPG/MMO, for all kind of people, and skill combat based, an excesive amount of skills will make it well one RPG more

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True. but all you want from a sandbox is to be able to build stuff no?

again i will fight equally stubbornly, cause i care more about the rpg elements than the creation elements.

That clutters the game horribly imo. Sometimes the only way to guarantee that everyone can do what they want is not to add a class for everything someone could potentially want.
If you’ve got to pick a class for fighting, then crafting, then next it’s your tool proficiency. you’ve got to level, and then you need to increase your tea drinking stats and oh my god I forgot to keep leveling my toe picking skill. Your ideas are just getting way to complex.

Erm… please read my coment please… but again:

It’s mean to be a skill based combat, not stat based combat, that means HIPER/SUPER crafting, with a lot of skills will be or not trully important or will make a good player die by a TERRIBLE PLAYER just because the terrible player has farmed with Friends and got a really high tier equipment… (And this happens on RPG and minecraft too)

agreed. This wont be a game for die hard rpg players, nor will it be a game for diehard sandbox players. We’re doing compromises here. It’s politics!

They are not classes, they are professions, there is a big difference. it is nothing harder than saying ‘’ a weaponsmith can make weapons, a blacksmith can make armor. if you refuse to put time into either you will not be able to use either’’

And as a hardRPG player, i preffer a easy RPG in a game like this just for have more people playing and for (kill) i mean… be friendly :smiley:

My argument is that you shouldn’t have to go through like 8 levels of class/ race/ skills/ combat/profession/hobbies you know? I’d rather just be able to play the game without having to make like 50 billion decisions about what I want my character to be. I’d prefer actions and appearance to define you more than your stats class/ race/ skills/ combat/ profession/ hobbies.

there is skillbased and then there is ‘‘making progress useles’’

the higher tier you get, the harder the mobs will hit and the more hp they have, hence you automatically needs to be able to follow it up or you are screwed. skillbased would be a level 8 having a chance vs a level 10. not a level 1 dealing as much dmg as a level 20.