Crafting Systems

so… we should all start with all abilities in every single fighting style, everybody can make everything and we should be invincible?

again i am for picking 2 crafting professions, but i can also set for them taking a ton of time to master.

I’m not meaning that… but well… i’m just meaning this game (as far as i have readed) will no have a LEVEL thing like that, andwell just that.

yeah no pretermined levels, that is why they need profiency, and tiers, so if i am profiency 50 with swords i can use a tier 2 sword but still only a tier 1 hammer, same with gear, and same with crafting.

Sorry im getting annoyed and i dont intend to sound rude.

Have you ever played ‘‘elder scrolls online’’?

Well but needing profiency for using weapons/tools/armor its very prohibitibe, but the think can be if you don’t have the profiency you can still use it, but in a way like in Dark Souls, you will use it, but dealing less damange, and with more penalitys

ah yes darksouls. the game where you could become immortal if you learned to parry, what a genius example.

but lets say your idea, we have a newb player he can use the sword but only to 10% of its full power. now lets say we give him a tier 10 sword, 10% power is roughly what is needed in a tier 5 world. congratulations, even with no skill he is still 500% stronger han his actual level :slight_smile:

We could also assume by your logic that the sword would at the very least be as good as anything he could get at his level but would scale as his skill increased, then you could give a newb a master sword and he would always have a weapon that was slightly better than anything he could craft.

Really… you take thing out of bounds… the parry system ok… that is a thing for gameplay… and you could have said the INVINCIBLE ROLL!!! XD its more expresive… and really try to be polite don’t call people “genius” liek that please ¬¬

But well a tier 10 sword? he has started now?? he will use it at a 0.005% with slower hiting speed (and if they add stamina cost, A LOT of cost)

wasnt talking about genius as an insult. again, apologies :smile:

Ok no problem XD

but then your idea would be to make a complicated system that under any circumstances would render the sword vitually useless, forcing them to make a system that would keep it that way instead of just saying he cant use the sword because he isnt high enough skill level.

also i love the idea of being able to use and duelwield anything but that would also allow people to duelwield 2 hand swords if they had enough strength, which would also turn really op >.<

Not really, if you have the strength use them easy as that.

But limiting just by a Proficiency level will make a really high gap bettew players :confused:

darksouls system is nice, just in no way balanced for multiplayer. pvp use.

especially because darksouls is one of the MOST newb repellant games i have ever seen,

I know that… really i know… its was just a example… really just a example that parring and roll to win XD its stupid

But yeah back on topic. i mentioned Elder scrolls online because it is a game i enjoy BUT. the crafting was useless.

you have 3 crafting types.

Blacksmith: anything with metal.
Woodworking: anything with wood
Clothing: Anything with leather and cloth.

there were no restrictions and you could learn any of them, if we ignore the horrible trait system which was a massive wannabe timesink do you know how long it would take to master them all? if you had the gold it would take you roughly 20 min to master 3 crafting professions, and everybody did so. everybody could craft stuff for themselves (yay) but that also meant there was absolutely no use for crafting as a way of making money, because everybody could make the same thing.

this is what i do not want to see with oort, if you do not have a split between the newbs and the veterans then you will render people useless, what is the point of me getting crafting if even the newest player still fighting with a stick can make the exact same thing given the right ingredients and recipe? why would crafting ever matter since everybody could do all of the crafting alone anyways?

you see the problem that i have with it?

PS: to be fair there were also echanting, alchemy and cooking, but never once was there any sort of restriction on what you could learn so they could all easily be mastered.

Well i can understand you, but this isn’t going to be a HARD RPG i will be more like Soft Rpg Sandbox, you could have a really high level on you skill about making Daggers (jeje) but you have special recipes really hard to find, and recipes you have gained throught leveling your skill, and yes you Daggers ARE THE BEST DAGGERS (at least from today) but, one low level crafter crafted with a tier 3 material one dagger wich is a lot weaker than any of you tier 1 recipe/rare weapons.

That will make him have work, but will make your work better

I will be ok with one crafting skill per weapon kind and per armor kind, but no more (i don’t want that thing in Mortal Online about knowind the material lore because it was really a PAIN)

i liked the possiblity of tweaking your weapons but i never got into mortal so i cant say. im not saying this is going to be a hardcore rpg, but there should STILL be something for those who invest alot of time and seeks a challenge, that is why i propose a crafting system like this, you can level your skills up, become better daggersmith and get the recipe, you can make better daggers.

if i would like a hardcore RPG i would point to SWG or The Repopulation where every single crafting style is connected and you cant even make a simple sword without having provisioning, orerefining, foresting and a ton of other stuff.

But the thing am saying here is:

1- The easy way, for the casual player to get equipment of his tier BUT really bad (better trade with a real crafter but you know)

2- The hard way for people like you and me who want to invest time and make a MARK on the wolrd of OORT making something epic (In you case A DAGGER FOR ONE SHOTING TITANS foooor example XD)

thats simple tiers, i dont think you could call them 2 different ways of crafting, they would need to make 1 universal type of crafting system that just became more complex as your skill increased, its not like you would need 2 skins in low level but need 5 wolfskin, 6 wolf fangs and 8 spiderwebs, it would stay the same instead of needing 2 tier 1 skins you would need 8 tier 3 skins, 4 saphire and an oort crystal

But you don’t need to make them necesay complex, you can have higher tier items with no problem, and complex recipes for really powerfull items, wich will be the real use for that tier material, the simple recipes will be just for training/making cheap and accesible for all buyers weapons