Crafting Systems

I prefer @Zouls idea :slight_smile: I think it would be way cooler if not everybody would be able to craft everything. I also like the idea of light armor smith and heavy armor smith etc. :smiley:

But yeah allowing it to become more complex and require better and more mats is kind of a must, i still also like the idea of having profiency while still having a crafting recipe system, i suggested a whole system like this somewhere else that you had a journal, whenever you found a combination that worked it would be saved in your journal under recipes. and then there would be 50% of recipes which could all be discovered through guessing and 50% that needs to be dropped and learned before you can use it.

This is from an old ‘‘first look’’ thing at crafting.

We want crafting in Oort Online to be easy, experimental and not require to be switching to a wiki. To make crafting easy and not require the use of a wiki, all players need to do to craft an item is throw items/blocks in the ingredients section and the output will show outputs that can be crafted using those inputs (for example, eggs and flour craft a cake, but eggs, flour and a window will not craft anything). To make crafting experimental, some recipes can be enhanced using a modifier. For example, players may be able to craft a faster pickaxe using topaz as a modifier. The percentage increase in speed is random roll (within some limits) and success can be increased by increasing the amount of Topaz used as a modifier. We’ll share more about the crafting and mod system in the future.

so combined with this, when i make an iron axe i could head into my journal and there would be a weapon crafting tab and under ‘‘axe’’ the iron axe recipe would lie, i now know how to make an iron axe.

what i would like is to have ‘‘modifiers’’ require a dropable recipe. so i might find ‘‘Axe modifier: Poison’’ and when i equip that i get a recipe under ‘‘Modifier’’ and then ‘‘Axe’’ tab that i can now use this 1 item to add poison dmg to all of my 1 hand axes.

modifiers would then be pretty rare drops and some of the top tier ones might be crazy rare and require stupid amounts of materials, but make a truly epic weapon.

if we could make 100 modifiers (know this is overkill) for every weapon type, armor type and accesory type then you would suddenly have thousands of recipes that could be dropped and learned by players, so explorers could find a recipe and sell it to a smith who needs it and the smith is now a bit more unique than the rest of them.

@ben @james too overkill?

Yes but you don’t really need to have more complex recipes, i mean, you want to craft a dagger/sword/fist from a new material you have jsut discovered in a tier 5 world, and you can craft it with just a few ingots (from 1 to 3) of that material, and a bit of leather/wool you know what i mean??

If you have more skill it will be a really better weapon if it is crafted by one guy who has recently reached tier 5, but you don’t need an epic and complex rĂ©cipe for making the sword, but if you want to make the “Sword of MATERIAL and Wolfs” you will need the material and more specific materials for make that SPECIFIC and awesome weapon

Well i meant just that with the two ways
 you can make it easy, but you can make it with a lot of materials and get a really special item.

Sorry i saw this post when i ended writting the other XD

yeah basically as i wrote. you should still need to have ‘‘Swordcrafting 150/525’’ to allow the crafting of tier 5. so you would need to craft your way up from the bottom level. but if 5 iron + 2 oak gives a tier 1 sword then 5 mithril + 2 darkwood would give a simple tier 5 sword.

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Yes but you don’t need to make really complex recipe you can craft a basic weapon.
But if you are more expert you could be able to make that same easy sword but a lot better with the same materials

YES YOU FINALY UNDERSTOOD XD!!! (i think i wrote understood bad XD)

as i just wrote again. its just about tiers, not neccesarily being 2 different crafting systems which is where you lost me.

well i was never opposed to it.

i was opposed to the idea of not needing to level a crafting style to be able to craft the best gear.

Sorry i may have maked it a bit hard to understand XD

But its one crafting System, but you can make a simple one, or a special one with a complex recipe just that XD

It took some time but now (i think) we all are at hand right? and aggred (at least in the big thing)

yeah. as long as newbs actually have to level crafting to get better gear i am fine with most things.

They will need to level (a bit at least) and get the materials XD and also a recently level crafter won’t make a sword powerfull as a 10 levels more on the swordcrafter skill (Even is 10 levels more its just crafting one sword more XD the 0.1% extra will be there!)

but yeah. i want to become a master crafter atleast in 1 field, but it kinda sucks to instantly become the best, this way it wouldnt be needed to make constant and never ending grinding to level up, but for when you are max level and have used maybe a month or 2 on getting there, you are only able to use 40% of your max potentional because you dont have any of the good recipes.

making really rare recipe modifiers would make people famous, if we say 1 drops every month, then the one who gets it will be the only one who can make that type of sword for a looong time.

I’m getting lost following this post
 SO I made a huge one to summarize what I would like (or stole from somewhere)
 I think it (kinda) encompasses what you are saying from a different viewpoint.

What if, We are all The New Oortian Order.
No classes. We can all make fire, basic tools and stone weapons.

As I continue to make stone weapons, let us say a basic dagger (requiring 4 mats, 2 for blade, one for handle one to bind), well, they wear out, but I get better at it, and my skill in weapon crafting increases. This in turn unlocks the ability for the usage of higher “level” weapons that I do not know how to craft, yet they are still Tier one materials.
Say along the way I have found some copper, some alpine wood and some lashings I can make from grass, perhaps even a recipe for a basic sword. Before I can make that sword I need more skill. I’m not skill gaining much off of those basic stone weapons, but if I put some of that copper I found into the recipe, I get, a better weapon, and progressive skill gains in Weapon crafting again. My skill one hand weapon skill and the damage I do are increasing by use of these better tier one materials I have found. Wow, some tin too has appeared along the way on my journeys. I use that tin in the same ‘basic’ recipie I knew, and skill gains skyrocket for my weapon crafting skill (for a couple smelts anyway) to say nothing of the increased damage by using better wood, better metals and stronger lashings. This in turn allows me to take on stronger Mobs, thus also increasing my combat skills.

So my point. If you want to be an armor smith use those “better mats” in making those boots you knew how to make. Why did I know how to make boots? Simply because your feet hurt and you need to wrap them up. Yes, they were grass weave boots but your feet are more protected. Now all I need to do is trade my improved copper and strong lashing boots for a copper and strong lashing pig sticker. Because I would rather make armor than pointy things. <meaning you still need to pick your preferred specialty, but not at character creation, but by choice and actual use.
I can wield any type weapon my strength allows me to lift, from my maximum tier reached, but at extremely low proficiency /effectiveness until my skill increases by the use of that same weapon to the point where there is no penalty to use because my skill is now the same level as the weapon that I could, previously not use “well”. If an item is crafted from a recipe beyond your tier, it is unusable, yet you can use any item crafted from your tier, even if your skill in its use is low. You use it, your skill grows.

Think thats what I wanted to say hehe. Will try to clarify later if needed (gone offline, gotta earn if I want a 32 core cpu)

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That probably is a bit overkill, but I like your spirit! :wink: Remeber every item needs to be balanced against every other item, every world, every enemy creature, every Titan, and tested, balanced for the economy etc, so it makes sense for us to keep the numbers small at first. You’d be surprised the fun you can have with a smaller amount of easily understandable stuff, it’s going to be great.

damn >.<

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You’re assuming mosters have to progress in a stats manner as well. Monsters can get harder, but in a balanced way. They just get harder to fight (faster, different attack patterns, better AI etc.) and even if they do hit harder, it shouldnt be so much that you need some level system to win against them. Maybe mobs should hit really hard so you have to take them seriously when you fight, and not just grind.

Oh wait, I didn’t realize the argument had progressed so far already. Sorry about opening it up again, it looks like you guys reached a good conclusion.

Love the ideas, can’t wait to see what the devs do :smiley: