Crafting: Workbench GUI

Title for early accessors? <3 <3 <3

I’ve added the profession glyphs from those screens into the Glyph Translator (if they’re wrong I can always change them!) … but now I want to know what the Builder and Defender profession glyphs look like!


Hmm… Looks really neat Ben, I am very happy that all my annoying and begging paid off. a few things i find curious

  1. the “spark” system which seems to be a fancy word for fuel. Do you have to refuel it or does it do it automatically over time?

  2. the “time” system. always nice to not be able to just rush through everything. also allows for a neat balancing

  3. Profession skill trees and Professions in general look really nice.

  4. The profession “Trader” is bothering me, because it would either imply that there are NPC’s to level it up, or its player to player trading which could be abused and done easily.

5)It seems there is a dynamic form of upgrading in the sense that you can only have a certain amount of things in at a time. I worry though that this might mean that the “higher level items” or whatever you want to call the profession, will use an insane amount of the same item or an insane amount of different items (I would quite prefer the last one)

  1. The frequency seems like a cool little minigame to make your items more or less effective. it would be neat if it changed every week or so and the player could see on the items how “efficient” he made an item. It would turn into a sort of decoding game

  2. Its very nice to see that we will have titles

  3. It seems to imply that you can be parts of multiple guilds at the same time at a very huge limit. that would have its perks and limitations.

  4. Is hunter a specific “hunter” profession where you use something like a bow to kill critters and knife to skin their meat and skin, or it it just a “slayer” profession on you smacking things?

  5. “Total Level 84” do you plan to have a max limit? you said you can only use x skill lines at a time is that the case or does it just take longer and longer to level up each time meaning it would be ideal to pick x amount.

  6. Adept founder has 27 / 20 skills unlocked… How? xD

  7. if we assume that the numbers on the right of professions are the levels, then does that mean that as a level 3 miner i can put all my skillpoints i earn from trader into mining? or are the numbers just randomly put?

  8. How can 62 skillpoints and 63 levels stack up to total level of 84? are all skills learned just one point or will there be a scaling in how many skillpoints you need for a skill?

I think thats all i have to now, maybe its just due to it being random numbers, who knows. But it definitely looks very very promising and i feel that it is going to kick ass once it makes it into the game.


ESO tried it and I (and most of my friends) didn´t like it.

But it also eliminates the feel of membership, loyalty and “belonging to your guild”


I would have thought that the trader profession would be attained through levelling up via plinths, as a shop keeper / market trader, as opposed to just standard trading between players, but I could be way off base!


But I could have a gym membership, play rugby in a Saturday club and be part of a book club all at the same time in real life (I said I could, I don’t actually do any of those things lol). It wouldn’t mean that I was any less loyal to any of them, it would just mean that I have different groups of friends that do different things.

I do understand what you mean though. I guess the view is, you could potentially socialise more by being part of multiple guilds. Or possibly that some guilds may want to be more focused on certain professions, such as crafting etc. so if you have an interest in multiple things, you’re not limited.

I’m sure there are bound to be instances of people siphoning off resources from one guild to another though.


Another leak for the collection :smile_cat:

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Exactly. A better way of allowing people to collaborate/be a part of multiple groups at once might be to have intra-guild groups or to have an inter-guild city.

I just feel like being allowed to join multiple guilds makes each one less special/makes me less special. I can’t find the words to explain what I mean with that previous statement but I can try later if it’s not making sense.


This is a very good metaphor, but RL metaphors don´t always apply to games, even if they are good.
(My) experience tells that with the multi guild concept you vanish in a cluster of guilds that basically boils down to a groupfinder and tradechannel whereas with a one guild system you carefully pick your guild and usually become a knit community.
(This is just my biased personal opinion based on my experience though.)

Exactly my thoughts. Allowing “sub guilds” or groups within guilds [departments] would be much better than allowing multi-guild membership imo.


This has been my experience in GW2 and ESO as well. As a result, I haven’t stuck with either of them for as long as I would have liked because I just didn’t feel like I had a place in the game despite how fun the content/gameplay are. I don’t want to see that happen to Boundless. Subguilds sound like a wonderful idea.


awsome how it looks

My biggest problem with ESO was that the market places were run by the guilds themselves, so some guilds were only made as trade houses. Later they patched in a system that allows you to open shop for other people.

Yeah, I still mess around with ESO from time to time (especially since Thieves Guild dropped this week). The guild vendors are nice but since they’re bound to specific areas it’s not a total fix. Helps the wealthy get wealthier but keeps the poor pretty poor.

I like the idea of changing the world frequency on my work bench :stuck_out_tongue:

in other games like guild wars and wow i do many things at the same time sort inventory, using guild chat and watching in the guild window for something or like heurazio move and sort at the same time my inventory

last time i losed my water and lava and all my blocks because this… i hate full windowed inventory and craft windows. i hope we can scale up the windows on a free size like all mmo i know and played.

move with wasd and sort inventory with mouse

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yes, of cause this may lead to such phenomena, at least a bit, but on the other hand it supports my own playstyle in MMOs a lot. In GW2 for example (back a looooooooooooong while ^^) I had more then one guild. I had one “Main” Guild in which I was quite active, a second one which was only for me and personal friends out of RL and a last one for PVP, cuz my main guild was nearly inactive in pvp.

There should be hard limits to guild sizes so that they cannot be abused as plain LFG-mashines or pure global trading houses. Lets say 50-100 ppl max? … I think that would still allow them to be used for secondary functions (Like a small trading network or a elite group of titan raiders) but would block every try to make something gigantic global und unpersonal :wink:

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Hmmm. I’d rather support sub-guilds or groups than multi-guilds. I feel like it’d be easier to build camaraderie and would make activities more meaningful if you were supporting a main guild with different folks than if you support multiple guilds with different people. Splitting into different guilds based on different worlds seems like a headache for Boundless and might make the game more bland. If the purpose of being able to have multiple guilds is to promote interaction with a diverse group or players or to allow for contact with a group that does something you don’t have much exposure to then I would counter that by arguing that inter-guild relationships (and portals) can and should solve that problem. Then guilds could focus more on building relationships than on building their number of guild members with less of a focus on quality of player.

I don’t think people in this game are going to want to create massive guilds just for LFG or trading anyway since the game has 0 NPCs and is so focused on social interactions and space (building). I think any large guilds that come about will do so because of loyalty from members and their ability to create a meaningful boundless experience for those players.


Damn @ben iel! Back at it again with the hot UI. No but seriously the UI you guys Mase for this game is só smooth, só simple but yet unique. ITs really what um looking forward to having as the UI (or however you say it) on a phone. Simple and yet unique, geométric, smooth, beatiful. But for what I can See whats going on is that you havê things that are bulding, some are ready some are still on going. Then you havê ingredientes pages and what not. The thing I dont understand and it is the one that excites Me the most is the last one.

@thorbjorn42gbf wow. That spark thing? Energy? Can you explain it to me or link something? Never heard do it and couldnt identify it

There was a picture and it said spark and an energy symbol I thought it kinda obvious that would mean that it was the name of the enrgy or energy source. No other informtation have been given.

Oh wow --’ didnt even saw it. Thank you. Well its an “oficial” teaser for the spark and for the last cósmica and world things on the last page!