Just purchased the game yesterday and tried it out. I wanted to restart after learning the ropes so I deleted my characters and now it wont let me play. It crashes to desktop when I try. I am guessing it has to do with the fact that I deleted my character.
Do you have 1 playable character left?
Or did you somehow delete all of them…
I deleted all of them.
Can you remember the exact steps you took to delete all of your characters?
I did it in the loading area where you start. I created a new character saadia17 and that didn’t work out because the starting area where it warped me to placed me in a hole that I could not get out of. So I went back to the starting area and just figured I would delete both of them and start completely new. It allowed me to delete Salodyda17 and even had me type in delete but when I did that I noticed the UI turned grey and had a ? on it and my game freezed up so I had to shut it down manually.
Ok I think we can see what happened, it’s going to require a server fix which probably won’t be able to go up until tomorrow sorry for any inconvenience.
ok should I wait for notification from you guys as to when I can try and log in again.
Yep we’ll reply on this thread as soon as it’s updated to let you know. In the meantime you should be able to switch to the testing branch of the game and play on there if you want to have a go.
That branch runs with a separate set of worlds that sometimes gets reset etc so don’t start building lots of stuff if you don’t want it deleted, but as I say if you just want to have a play on the game while we get the main version working for you that should work.
See this post for more info on the latest testing release we put out
@Salodyda17 We’ve just pushed an update to the main branch of the game which should let you play again, it’ll auto create you a character when you first login and hopefully make sure you can’t delete all your characters to get back into the broken state.
Thank you very much it worked perfectly. You guys are the best, I purchased this game on Tuesday and was very skeptical, but after you guys help and response to this issue, it is money well spent on good Devs. Keep up the great work and know that you have one very happy customer.
welcome to Boundless!
yea welcome!, even though the post is older than my gameplay
I hope this player is still active