CRAZY IDEA : "Do you want to respawn here?" / Deathgate

I think this quote from a discussion in another thread sums-up the suggestion.

We should have the same options :
• Revive at corpse
• Revive in a random spot, far away (current mechanic)
• Revive at home beacon

Maybe the death penalty could be different depending on what we choose.
I wouldn’t mind having the XP debuff when I choose to spawn back where I died (or at the nearest possible spot if I died in lava), and no malus if I choose to respawn in a random spot, far away. There would then be some tactical choices to be made.
Maybe the option to revive at our home beacon could have a requirement like paying a price in coins equivalent to the price for warping there?

On a related note, I would also suggest another option :
What if we had “Deathgates”? Now you may ask yourself “lol whut?”.
A Deathgate would be a public waypoint. Any dead player would have the option upon dying to revive at the nearest Deathgate. They would be expensive to make, but would also be something that big guilds could add to world capital-cities or portal hubs.
Now sure, the obvious ‘con’ would be that some trolls could try to lock players in sealed rooms where the Deathgate is, but I’m sure they would also be smart enough to know that the sealed player would report them right after.
The pro would be to allow players to get back to a safe space easily. And now I’m gonna stop writting because I gotta get that South park song out of my head again.


this is a really good idea, I also don’t like the 50m teleportation when you respawn, it doesn’t make sense for every type of death.

I really like the idea about deathgates, that would give some awesome functions for minigames or parkour courses! if you miss a jump over a lake of lava or high enough elevation, back to the checkpoint!

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