If you think this game encourages drama now, there’s no way this is a good idea.
I couldn’t support this system if it provides even a speck of functionality or advantage to a player.
There are plenty of suggestions regarding “likes” around here and mostly it’s fine. If it provides a tangible reward like any of the things mentioned here (except maybe the title/gold medal) it’s going to cause issues. People already talk about ‘shadow pvp’ and politics in the game like it’s core - this would make it an undeniably real thing.
You really want to take away the possibility that a player playing the game basically solo with in-game guidance could ever achieve viceroy? Create a buff that you have to beg/pay others for? Spend more time politicking than building? Write forum tutorials on family share systems?
Nah this whole thing adds a level of “personal” that this game really doesn’t need.
Because it’s funny? Because not many people like the current viceroy? Because someone paid them 50k and they don’t really go on that planet often anyways? Because their guild leader told them to if they want to keep getting level 3 buffs? Because someone on the forum said something fun or funny would happen if they did? BECAUSE MY BABY IS SICK AND LIKES CAN CURE CANCER!!!
Nah meantime, quiet, focused builder who doesn’t pay attention to forums drama or popularity contests can generate 80% of the prestige (development) on a whole planet and not be viceroy?
Meh I’m tempted to rant on but frankly, there’s too much to keep harping on.
Goblin you live on raxxa man. Who you going to vote in for viceroy of gyosha, vex or paka?
As opposed to a contest where people figure out what an algorythm wants them to build and game the system by storing massive amounts of prestigious blocks in underground cubes, I think a popularity contest would offer truer results.
I have heard VERY OFTEN people say “I wish I could give a ‘like’ to your build because it’s really awesome”, and I can’t believe that there’s no way to do that.
Meanwhile, the guy who wants to proclaim himself the Vice-roy of a world can do it even if everybody think he’s a d-bag.
Doesn’t look like a good design to me.
Right now? Neither. I don’t know what their places look like. I would vote for the build I like the most, period. If you wanna vote for a person, that’s your affair. < shrug >
I’m also pretty sure I suggested to get rid of the whole Viceroy title thing.
The whole point of the polls is to show other options to open discussion, not to say “these ARE part of the suggestion”.
I personally would not like to gain anything of actual value to a single player either with Prestige OR with Favorite Badge.
Would you REALLY tell me that the quiet and focused solo player CAN currently reach Viceroy, when facing to an organized guild? No way.
The quiet and focused solo player already gets shafted if he doesn’t get on the forums / Discord.
How do you get in a hunt without that? How do you promote your store? Compared to those who do that, you’re never gonna go far.
Should we now be hating on those who promote their shop and hunts on the Forum / Discord?
And stop calling that “politics”. It’s “networking”, or “banding” at worst.
Finally, I would be opened to a new title like the Capital. It could be words like @Prome3us suggested, which would affix themselves to the Prestige-term, like “Revered Great City”, “Exalted Town” and such (absolutely not using WoW’s reputation titles, naaaaah, I promise). And there could only be one of each per world.
Current systems defines a Capital. Do you think a capital should be classified because the blocks used are the most prestigious, or because more people like the build (either for its design or usefulness)?
I think it should be the latter.
Again, I do not believe that to be true.
I doubt big guilds are influencial enough to order around all their players to do what they want.
Solo players already lose compared to the big guilds.
Could you define “perks”?
At worst, I wouldn’t see anything more than a new title.
Know personally? Not a single one. But in general, A LOT.
That is however COMPLETELY OFF-TOPIC here. I wouldn’t want to start an actual IRL political debate here.
But do people actually like the build or did they give a like for other reasons?
That’s what I would like to avoid.
Wouldn’t it be better to use something else entirely? How about size? Not just plots but also amount of blocks used, number of beacons, number of people who have their home beacon there, etc. That would probably be a more accurate way to determine a capital.
Same goes for settlement titles, what is a great city? Well with 32m prestige at least. My Nova Golda is a Great City, and I’ve joked to people that it’s a market, a farm and a big workshop, does not look like a village let alone a great city! (tho I do have plans to change that but still)
Any in-game benefit, a title is just cosmetic, have no issues with that.
It is on topic tho since politician rely on likes from the general public to get voted into office. It’s a popularity contest just like you are proposing here.
Sure, as long as it does not give in-game perks, a simple title or something like it will not influence the game.
If the ‘popularity contest’ can be gamed, ANYTHING can be gamed.
People with IRL money would have an advantage as they would be incentivized to buy a buttload of plots. Some people already use beacons as decorative items. I use beacons to separate the houses of my town project. Should they count, even though they’re still mine?
The number of different players who have their home beacon in one place, though, that’s something interesting.
I don’t remember talking about in-game benefits myself, as I would be against buffs or perks.
Maybe I wasn’t clear enough somewhere in the thread?
Again, to repeat what I posted not long ago :
Nope. You also vote for what the politician promises to do once elected.
So to me, that’s still off-topic. I do NOT want to talk IRL politic here.
I’m against this because I don’t believe anyone else should have to like your build but yourself, basically I would never reach viceroy or whatever because I’m not a good builder? Nah, I already know that, don’t need it reinforced plus why should I have to walk to builds to give a badge or cast my vote, tbh I only check builds out if there in sight and not too far. Not against adding them for people that wanted to of course but I just think this ones best left to the system, it’s just replacing one power with another imo. Man or machine… What’s worse
I am opposed to popularity contests. If it’s a simple interactive decor item (similar to what Trove has), that’s cool. If it allows you to become viceroy or something…no.
Leaderboards & visitor counts (on portals/beacons) is the data I’d prefer to see
Sure, that sounds good.
Could be nice to have such stats represented as little icons under the Settlement name that pops on the screen when you enter a beacon.
Like “most visited”, “most sales”, “most liked”, etc.
Viceroy title is irrelevant, capitol status conveys actual benefits. The title only indicates who is receiving those benefits. It doesn’t matter if the title is “owner of the beacon that is the capitol of the planet” if the benefits are conferred.
It’s a very mixed message, and the inherent contradictions are why i didn’t take the time to point by point your response to my earlier post. It’s hard to address someone who’s working both sides of an issue.
But what are the benefits other than bragging rights?
To me, Viceroy is something for the individual player, while capital is something for the entire settlement, which rewards all the players involved, which automatically sounds better.
So I don’t mind if we lose the Viceroy title.
In any case, this is all open for debate. The original idea already has organically evolved through discussion.
So I would think portal hubs and malls will be the most visited places. The builder that might create a huge build taking months to create but because they did not have a shop or a portal hub, they are not even considered? I think this is also not a good idea. I do not like the most likes is the capital either, but I am not sure how your suggestion equates to effort or time spent building.
@Kal-El First, I do not like the idea it is not my suggestion. I have just said that I do not like the idea of the popularity contest, and if we want a hybrid system as proposed in the thread, which takes into account prestige and utility, I would prefer it to be linked to visits, instead of a vote of popularity, simply.