CRAZY IDEA : Sanctum Rotation-control & Early game


After the debacle of the SUPER CRAZY IDEA : Sanctum Re-Worked as Official Portal Hub, I’m gonna salvage what can be and re-write it as something that I think could actually work and be less crazy.

Let’s be honest. How often do you use a warp-totem to go from one world to another?


Answer : When you want to open a warp to an exo-world, or when you’re on a fresh-testing-server where there is 0 infrastructure yet. But on Live, there are strongly established infrastructures like Portal Seekers, TNT Megahub, and whatever Hashmalash has but I forgot the name, Ultima something-something
(#justkidding :p).

In early game, you will use the warp totem once during the first minutes of the game, then… likely not until a good while. And even then, you might be dragged into the game by Steam Friends (like I was) to set them as targets for your first warp.

Ok so what’s your point?

Let’s say you don’t have Steam Friends (you damn anti-social freak!). Let’s say you did use the warp-totem thing as your first landing spot. Didn’t you get the feel you were aiming at random on the world in these first minutes of gameplay in Boundless, because the game wasn’t really letting you aim properly?

Maybe a way to do it would be to completely disable the automatic rotation of the world the sanctum orbits around, and INSTEAD, make the rotation manually with a device located at the center of the Sanctum.

During the tutorial, you grab the totem + warp augment and the two plinths are somehow removed and the rotation device gets deployed. Interacting with it would do the camera focus on the world we’re orbiting, just like how interacting with a workbench shows your character two thirds of the screen. The device UI would have arrows to rotate the world however you want, with all the additional informations you could want.
Then you leave the device, and you point and use the warp-totem to set your destination wherever you decided to go.

Here’s a mock-up of the device’s UI :

OBVIOUSLY the devs would be able to do something far better than this, I just photoshopped something quickly to illustrate.

Yeah but in the middle, there are already the 2 plinths, that’d be messy, dumb@$$!

Agreed, but since the plinths have 0 purpose after the first minutes… why not remove them?
Maybe the two plinth could be replaced by another prop that has an animation… you know, like the weird nano-tech in the ship in Man of Steel.
Or you can make an animated shader that makes it look like the prop is being built with nanotech from bottom to top, or dismantled from top to bottom.

The player grabs the totem + warp augment, the plinths disappear, the rotation-device appears.

What do you guys think?
But remember, if you vote Nay or Meh, please, try to explain why below so I can understand why and so we can discuss it, otherwise you’re just acting like a smock and I don’t like you, mwyah!

  • Yay, I want the Rotation-control-device!
  • Nay, I don’t want the Rotation-control-device!
  • Meh, I don’t care…

0 voters

I want the rotation control
But only if it comes with an apocalyptic event
(too soon?)

Definitely too soon.
The situation has been de-fused in the other thread. No need to try to set another fuse here or there (hence that thread being now closed). :wink:


Why not just rotate the planet with a mouse or joystick?

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