I needed a place to move posts from the dev thread that were going a bit off-course.
4 posts were merged into an existing topic: Testing 246: Creative Worlds!
The current Creative (Live universe - Sanctum - F1) has this option.
… Default flat terrain (with critters)
But I find this choice very boring.
Thank you. I’ll check that out today…very boring indeed, but it’s very useful for certain projects
I don’t see the option anywhere
They renamed it to Local Sandbox
That wants me to leave the creative world and go the local/discovery/sandbox one I created awhile back (not the same thing).
I just wanted to select flat terrain on the creative world on testing right now.
Step one…one creative/testing/sanctum
Step two…Don’t see a terrain option, sandbox & discovery aren’t the creative planets on testing right now…
Yes, it does.
If you make a new one there then it’s gonna be flat
This will be same as with sovereign worlds. Both are rentals, creative stuff is build on top of the sovereign world stuff
Make a new creative planet on testing?
Odeon was saying that the prototype creative that was released earlier this year has the option of creating a new flat world.
This is about Creative worlds in testing. There is no option for flat terrain.
It’s ok…I’m sure that’s something that will be added later on.
Odeon mentioned them to you, you didn’t seem to get what he meant so I tried to help out.
He said current live universe, which is not correct. I was asking bc I hoped the option was there and I overlooked it.
Wasn’t an option in the form no, indeed perhaps in the future!
This is a good start tho
Nope it was tho…
What is currently on Live? Prototype creative!
It is though. The local sandboxes don’t connect to the live universe but the ability to launch them starts there.
All the dude was saying is that there is the option to have a creative world with flat terrain. Not that it’s possible for current testing creative worlds. So like you’re right…but so is he.
Exactly. They aren’t part of it. We’re testing the live Universe. Flat terrain isn’t an option in the live Universe.
Part of testing 246…the new creative worlds on live. The discovery creative worlds were introduced awhile back…they aren’t part of this.
afaik you’re testing the test universe, not the live universe. If these worlds are in the live universe, please let me know.
If you reread his post without the parentheses it says “The current Creative has this option. Default flat terrain.” If you assume he’s talking about what used to be called “Prototype Creative” and is now called “Local Sandbox” he’s completely correct. The parentheses are just showing how to access it.
That’s not relevant to this thread . No big deal - it’s just something else.
Flat terrain isn’t an option in the current Creative mode, live on the test servers - which is the subject of this thread. Hence, we’re testing it.