Cubits gifting idea

I dont think this is a good idea. Boundless has found a way to make cubits a sustainable currancy without having to “pay to win”.
IMHO it would be a deal breaker for me and make me stop playing if the devs changed the cubits system in any way, because they have balanced it nicely to make sure that even without spending money you can get more plots, gear etc. through leveling.
The other bad effect this would have I am sure is that people would begin to perceive it as i said above a “pay to win” game and ditch it shortly after buying it. This could also turn off long time players as well.
I know plenty of players that even after level 50 level 2 to 3 times a day. That is 900 cubits a day x 20 days is 18k in cubits multiply that by 12 months and thats over 180k in cubits. Thereby making being able to give cubits irrelevant.
I don’t see how or why it is so difficult to earn free cubits to do what you want/need the way the system currently is. Besides you can get a couple thousand cubits for 10/15 bucks. So I don’t think there really is a problem at all with cubits the way they are currently.