Just bought the game not seeing anyone on. Is it dead?
No, it’s very much alive and kicking. There are currently 12 worlds across which all players are spread across. Also, chat range is limited to about 100 meters around you. Visit a major settlement city for the best chance to encounter other players.
Also I think a lot of players are playing the test branch of the game, so you may not find as many on live as you expect.
Ha! Hardly. But it is young, and in pre-release, and has an international population spread over a dozen very large planets. You may easily not see anybody unless you make an effort to meet up. On the other hand, if you do, you’ll find lots of people who are all (in my experience) very friendly and helpful.
What planet are you on? It should say at the top of your screen (presumably Berlyn, Solum, Therka, or Vena). That’ll help people find you.
You have to understand that until the 1.0 release, there will be mostly a core of very dedicated players/testers, and probably a third or more of them play mostly on the testing server.
On top of that, even on release with large numbers of players, world dimensions are 4,608 x 4,608 blocks. That’s a ton of space, and there will (as far as I know) be both more worlds than the twelve there currently are, upon release, as well as probably increasing still further to accommodate whatever amount of players.
That said, there’s usually between one and five people on any given planet (Except maybe Vena V), so sometimes if you really want to co-op or hang out, you kinda need to have a good method of planet-hopping, such as access to a portal network, or lots of coin for warping around.
Hi GearboxTheGrey!
Welcome to the community. There are a few thousand players online in a two week period according to SteamDB. I run a largish shop and can testify that dozens of things sell daily - it is very much active.
You’ll find larger clusters of players on Therka (Therka Market), Solum (Pixelgate) and Elopor (Elop Portas) concentrated around the cities.
I run my shop Munteen - where there’s also a bigger player base around Miner’s Bluff.
On Epsilo you can look for the giant ring - lots of construction going on around it too.
If you’re on Moria, be sure to check out Moria Minesway (which also links to Solum).
For exploring get to a city on your planet quickly and use one of the portal networks to get to the rest. Jeffrotheswell and SWProzee1 both maintain very nice networks for transit (along with the dozens of portals run by the other groups, of course).
If you have any questions - the forums are alive and kicking. You’ll find very quick response times from players and devs (on bugs).
Welcome to Boundless, @GearboxTheGrey.
It’s not dead at all, though isn’t as popular as it should be thanks to out of date Steam reviews. That said it still has a very active, if small, community.
Just bear in mind that there are twelve large worlds, with players who play from various different time-zones. Even if you’re online at peak times for your world, there’s still every chance the active players are off mining somewhere. I’d suggest setting up in one of the already established towns.
Awesome thanks for the replies guys.
Is there a discord for the community?
Yes there is, you can use this invite to enter!
A lot of people are also just waiting for the release. Not everyone want to play now since they know there will be a wipe before launch.
Just for anyone on the fence who thinks their creations during beta will possibly be deleted and gone forever;
Concur. “Stored Offline” with the potential for “integrated into blueprints” will cure a lot of that phobia.
I’ve been playing for a couple weeks and feeling the same loneliness. Has there ever been a community effort to join up on a single server? I’ve set up a fledgling shop in PixelGate but only ever seen one other person there.
/me leaves a steam review to update bad votes…
The portal network helps a lot. My shop on Munteen always has a bunch of people around - not an evening goes by without a few people cruising by.
I always seem to run into people in Therka Market and Elop Portas too.
I’m on the same planet I haven’t come by pixel gate yet but I could try to make my way over there. So it doesn’t seem so lonely in the world.
that’s how I felt when I started @GearboxTheGrey, but once you find a town youll see
Me too. Warning @GearboxTheGrey & @askreet the first time you enter somewhere like Pixelgate after several days alone in the wilds, it’s kind of overwhelming…you don’t know where to put your eyeballs XD
I’ve actually come to appreciate the emptiness, tho – or at least that it’s possible to find an empty stretch of world pretty easily. It really gives you a feeling of being a space pioneer, and the sense that when you go exploring you could actually find something new, instead of just something new-to-you-but-everybody-else-knows-about-it-already.
The thing is, even in towns you wont see A LOT of people. But for me, that doesn’t bother me. And once it releases on the PS4 and they perhaps do some marketing we will see a lot of people. (They will have to add more planets for it to not be flooded with people)