Dear Axon

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ugly to you, not to me. intrusive to you not to me. And they are all around me. help me get around on biitula they do. aggressive expansion? I know there has been many times when roads gone around builds(not surrounded them in anyway), or have moved to accommodate some builds. roads around the planets? Good way to get lots of footfoot. good game strategy i guess. like those city starters or malls huh!
Axon has avoided connecting any places that did not want to be connect, was never AXON that connected others was others that connected others to axon. EXample: (AXON <->player<->city not wanting to be connected).

Anyways how many players run around Biitula anyways? most have portals to portal hub and go do stuff on other planets. well i do mostly. I got a few roads by me but still got tons of expand space out in other directions.


causing disruption or annoyance through being unwelcome or uninvited.

“that was an intrusive question”

pretty much fits the bill in this case.


With this issue and the one at Dk’s mall, the devs are going to have their hands full on Monday. I live on Raxxa and I really hope we won’t get any of this plotting skirmishes.


Riscx I mean no disrespect but the entire community is sick of this plotting nightmare you wont find sympathetic folk here to this guys antics. I am glad you are content with your connections to Axon however we are not interested in being anywhere near his fugly roads they are low build quality prestige abominations designed to annex people i have fully toured his builds it was clear on this tour that they were designed to gobble up peoples hard work. The guy even has a memorial shrine of his victims.


Didn’t this just happen and the dev deleted the persons beacons that was grieving? I’m sure these road beacons will be deleted as well because that would be the fair and right thing to do given what happened earlier this week,

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That’s cause you get along with your neighbors :slight_smile:

I have 3 great neighbors.

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This is quite troubling…


I guess all MMOs can end up being intrusive to players interacting with other players and that is affecting someones game play. Thats why most MMOs have that notification when someone starts playing that game experience may change something like that. when playing in a community of players.
The DEVs here have been active on plot claim conflicts and see to have sorted out a set of policies and guidelines to go by. boundless the dev and even the owner has been more involved with responding to issues. More so the i say most of the mmos i ever played. imagine what this game be like if the devs never did anything in terms of plot and claim reporting. boundless would have plotting wars really bad and other players plotting 1 or 2 plots right on other players builds all over the place. would be far worst then some roads.

roads everywhere in real life part of developing the land area. I guess boundless is just reflecting real life now.

If someone does not like the look of the road near them on Biitula and can offer an idea for better looking road. I am sure Axon would be happy to work with some to change the look of the road? :wink: here is challenge. how can one work in the road network to work with there builds?

Ive seen it its literally a mausoleum of long lost guilds and players he does it under the guise of “remembering them and preserving their namesake for the community” but at the end of the day its a trophy wall.


when a city builds a new road they usually give advanced notice and offer reparations to the affected, also the person has the right to litigate the situation in court. We were offered no such notice.


his victims, that is not true. I can account for some of them places or groups that have now gone, Left due to some other players, not naming names, but has recently come back and now moved recently to biitula! The memorial is to remember and not forget. those in the memorial not gone becuase of any involvement from those from AXON.

Think Biitula is issues with roads. wait a few until some players that has recently returned and now setup home on biitula get going! some real dictators coming Elsewheres.

thank you for confirming the shrine to everyone though I appreciate it, its my birthday i have better things to do than deal with this situation today, rest assured Biitula residents Hearth Guard has been activated from a passive friendly state to full war mode.


missed out on the pass posts on biitula ploting? referencing biitulan plot wars? Theres even now some new players returned to join in for this purpose! Im sure there will be some sides made in this passive aggressive type of conflict.

happy birthday, congratz on leveling up in life! spend your new skillpoints well :smiley:

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So ur idea is to attack the game if ur demands arnt met? Seems childish

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no i wont attack the game I will shed light on why the games popularity isnt where it should be where it deserves to be, I will go into detail about how the system can be abused to nullify peoples efforts, it will be factual, non biased and honest with actual interviews with those affected.


Does anyone actually enjoy these conflicts/wars? They achieve nothing imo. Looks bad from the outside of the game & feels bad from inside the game.


I agree with u @majorvex

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All we are asking is to back those plots off. We don’t bother anyone and we are on one little island. Seriously, it’s not that much to ask.


I am glad you are happy there. Your response (#48, I haven’t read everything yet) is very fair.

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