Death toll

I understand everything you say in a PvE context but it sounds like that will be the overall system. That’s what I don’t understand.

Mortal online.

which was absolutely horrible to deal with.

Is there somewhere a Dev has stated there will be 2 different systems?

Nope and that is what might seem confusing, kinda sad with not dropping gold, but eh i guess.

gold isnt even implemented in the game yet, but its sad you dont drop it on death?

This is the same as claiming something is OP. the THEORY of it may be that way, but nothing is balanced on paper.

no but they didn’t deny it so the thinking behind one system would be equally interesting.

Well that’s entirely dependent on having a diamond pickaxe to begin with. If you’ve got to go through and recraft up the tiers it takes a large amount of time. Also a fair amount of luck to find diamonds quickly. but yeah It’s less than that if you’ve got everything in place and a good mine/cave system.

If you talk about just one case yes. But on average you only need about 2 hours from starting a new world until you get diamond armor and tools.
If you go for enchantments it takes a lot longer of course^^
But back to topic pls^^

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You may not drop gold you’ve already earned, but you can still drop things WORTH gold. Frankly, that’s all the motivation a PK’er really needs. Looks like the meat’s back on the menu, boys!

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Right on havok50k, that’s how I see it too. In 98% of MMO’s they would not even consider a full inventory drop. Asking for gold toor is just pushing the envelope.

I’m sort of following the discussion, but the truth is we haven’t decided a lot of these things and a lot of assumptions are being made, opinions being formed. Keep the discussion fluid, nothing is set in stone right now.

It is our utmost priority to make a fun and co-operative, sandbox, survival game. We’re focusing on PvE (not ruling out PvP, it’s just not a focus) so that means dropping items is a penalty, not an incentive for other players to kill you. That would also be making the assumption that PvP isn’t opt-in, which it very well might be. There’s a few ways we could do that: if a character attacks and you retaliate PvP starts, PvP only worlds, PvP Beacons.

The discussion is helpful, though. Keep it going but keep it constructive :blush:


To have a thriving economy and give items some tangible worth it’s probably not fair to allow players to drop items that cost tens of hours to acquire. I’m not saying those can’t drop, if you find or craft something better, and equip it, that older but still awesome item goes into your backpack and would drop when you die. I say likely and unlikely because we haven’t decided, and I don’t think we’ll have fully decided until we’ve prototyped and released something to you guys and gals. You help us balance and tweak this stuff, remember. We just try to provide the best starting point.


I could not agree more with every word of this well articulated response. Minecraft was PVP, so why not OoRT, but there is no need to be ridiculous with the penalties and rewards. If PVP is too costly nobody will ever do it. If PKers want victims, greed is not their friend.


I’m not a typically the type to PK unprovoked, but one thing I will say about this type of game play is that it encourages players to group up or play cautiously when in dangerous zones. This encourages team play and makes things more fun for more people in the long run. So long as the friendly players out number the aggressive players, balance is maintained.


I totaly support this way of death toll … feel the pain, but don’t start all over again after death :wink:

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I was looking forward to difficult enemies but am not looking forward to losing my hard earned items.

Please, just take my money and exp… just don’t touch my loot Q_Q

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Bah, you didn’t need all that dirt and stone anyway.

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I recall my first two hours playing Morrowind never leaving the Seyda Neen area because I discovered that I could harvest almost every plant and mushroom in the area. Alchemy and herb collecting is my bane. You will catch me in a trap of flowering herbs.

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Ah Morrowwind, I was an Argonian so everyone was mean.

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