Death toll

XD I was the one who said it will be better a full loot in pvp rather tan just dropping your mats… i will quote myseflt why:

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i will like that, but this game it’s first a coop game, and later a pvp game.

Just having 2 kind of worlds looks fine :smiley:
And will help the people for making houses and citys :smiley:

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Gold and mat drops for PVE.

stronger penalty on PVP, that i can live with.

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I know quite a bid of PK’ers who actually do it for the challenge.

That would scare away all the casual player.


I maintain that dropping gear that you worked hard for is going to scare away a large portion of the playerbase. The best way to punish people who will only have their gear on without making them drop it is to give items durability that must be repaired to keep the items useful. On death, gear should take durability damage.

That way you can scale the death penalty to the player’s level (or their item level which should be comparable) so that lower level players who have lower quality gear will not have to pay as much to repair it, but higher level players with higher level gear will have to pay more to repair their gear.

In addition this can be a great gold sink if we assume that they will add repairman NPC’s. (I know they said no NPC’s for now, but I’m not sure how they are going to implement a gold sink without NPC’s anyway, but that’s another discussion.)


your idea assumes that there will be no difference in PvE and PvP. But that will not be the case I hope.

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Personally I would prefer a consistent system that doesn’t make players remember different rules for different situations. Of course it’s impossible to have no rules that have to be memorized, but less complexity is better.

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bad idea of having no different rulesets.

but the idea of taking some sort of heavy durability dmg would also be a good addition to pvp worlds.

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I guess my previous statement was too broad and I didn’t mean it as it sounded. What I mean to say is this:

Dying should give your equipment durability damage no matter where/how you die. Similarly, I think it makes sense to drop everything that you have on you (or a % of that) that isn’t equipped or in some sort of special slot no matter where/how you die.

If I take a bunch of mats and gold into a PVP zone, there shouldn’t be any magical force protecting that inventory space just because I’m in a PVP zone and the same goes for PVE in my opinion.

EDIT: formatting


The thing about that its… Durability (as i hope :D) will be comsumed with each use of the tool/armor/weapon, and the players can repair it if they have the crafting skill for that.

Well that will make npc not needed, and the crafters will always have some work to do :smiley:


I agree that Durability damage should be added as you use a tool, but on armor and weapons you wouldn’t have durability damage built up unless you are fighting something anyway (assuming you aren’t hacking away at a stone block with your sword and you aren’t falling from really high places).

Also, I agree that NPC’s aren’t technically needed because this is a crafting game and it’s likely that people will be able to repair their own gear/tools. The only reason I even mentioned NPC’s in the first place was because they also are an easy way to solve the gold sink issue which (unless I’m mistaken of course) hasn’t been addressed yet.

I think it’s possible that there could be a system in which you could either pay an NPC to repair your tools for you, or you could repair them yourself. In either case however, durability damage is enough of an inconvenience to the player who dies that they won’t want to run around with no fear of death while at the same time allowing players to keep the gear that they have worked so hard to get.

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The gold sink has be discussed a long time now. Here and in the old forum. Use the search. (I can’t link atm, I’m on my phone^^)

About the toll. I still think PvP should be an all or nothing deal. But Ben said we should focus on other topics because they would make it fair and I believe him.

For PvE armor damage and loss of a percentage (0-100%) of your inventory should be enough.

I was aware of the “Gold Sink” thread, but I was unaware of any official information about gold sinks and how they might be implemented. I admit I have not done a large amount of searching on this subject, but I did snoop around a bit in the past and didn’t see anything official that I can recall.

It is very unlikely we would have it so you drop equipped gear and quickbar when you die. It is also very unlikely you’d lose the contents of your pouch (currency, player tokens, gems) when you die. It’s very likely you will drop the contents of your inventory when you die. Unlike most games, this isn’t everything you own because we’re categorising items (in the pouch etc).

So there’s a big penalty for the stuff you’ve acquired since you last left your base, no penalty on the stuff you’re using.


Well that was unexpected and in a way it was not^^

Could you elaborate on why these things are unlikely or likely?

Can i sugges someting about the inventory?? (I will do anyways XD)
A weapon slot/slots i a vay like: O-> BOX
1: O-O
2: O-O
3: O-O

And when you press a button (r or f are the common for this) you change to your combat items, instead of having it in the quickbar, also it will make dual wheild and shield an option :smiley: and in combat mode you will only use the combat ítems…

It jsut that a seggestion for the equiped gear/quickbar

he already said that you wouldnt drop things from your pouch such as gems and playertokens, kinda sad you dont drop currency though :confused:

I understand the decision to not let playertokens being dropable but the rest could need some “dev viewpoint”

what do you mean with dev viewpoint?
I would guess based on past comments and suggestions from the Devs that at this time they have made a pretty firm decision that they do not want currencies to be dropped. It also seems as if PvP isn’t really a gameplay priority for them, hence another reason they wouldn’t want currencies to drop as NPC mobs wouldn’t want your currency.
Im not sure what more of a viewpoint you would want?
As far as the rest of equipment it would be similar to other MMOs.
think of all the MMO’s that when you get ganked you drop all equipped items and weapons…
Not any off the top of my head.