Death toll

I still think all mats, so you keep your equipment and tools. would just mean instead of being able to run around and farm for 3 hours without fearing anything you might farm 1 hour and then head back to your beacon to store the mats you have found so you dont lose them.


jeah, that may be a good point :slight_smile: … I’m just not sure if it is a good idea to make the currency (Oort shards) able to be put away into containers. We had the discussion about PvP-Players who just hunt with an empty inventory. If they keep their shards they allways have something to lose (like 50% on death).

The Problem with the shards is, that you need alsways the shards of the world you are on. So will we only carry those with us which are from the world we are on or do we have to carry all with us (and may be lose them as well on death)?

but you wouldn’t for killing killers.

Death is death, everything physical should be lost, however through the power of game mechanics and world lore we can keep XP, skills and other mental/spiritual things.


i dont think shards is the gold kind of currency in the game? i think they are more of an item, a material as such.

In Ulima, what happened was that griefers would just run around naked and take from everyone in bad situations. Hence, if we keep skills & experiences, a trouble maker would just skill up and go naked ruining the day for as many people as he could at NO risk to himself.

PVP’ers are going to get plenty rich off robbing miners for mats they just spent hours collecting, so the gold is not necessary and really not a good idea because most players will keep gold on them because that is simply what you do with gold. As a result, there will be players walking around with months worth of collected gold. Dropping gold will just ■■■■ everyone off, and that is not what any game is about.

well then you are kind of a moron if you walk around with months worth of gold arent you? o.o

also dropping anything would ■■■■ off players, thats the point, you should be annoyed when you die, you should not be encouraged to die. and you should not just be able to shrug it off and be like ‘‘well i died again, so what’’ while on the other hand it shouldnt be so punishing that you go to destroy your stepmothers car, choke a puppy and dance naked in a fountain.

Who do you think is going to play this game? There is going to be a bunch of kids playing it. Are you going to go around calling everyone a moron? Why don’t you explain in what twisted way setting people up for extreme failure is a good thing in a game they are supposed to be having fun at.

All of this is why I suggested my idea. Everyone drops a % of their inventory upon death, and has a low chance of dropping armor or tools.

If you attack a player, then you have a higher chance of dropping armor or tools when you die.
Since most PvPers will only attack someone they are fairly sure they can kill, it adds a bit of danger to being on the giving end of PKing.

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extreme failure? its pretty simple. if you have some gold and you dont want to lose it go to your house and store it, if it stored then you cannot lose it no matter what happens unless you pull it out again.

but yeah, there will be chjldren playing, that doesnt mean its a childrens game though. but it also means that death isnt so punishing that you needs to start completely over on getting back your gear on death, but rather if you have gathered mats for 30 min and you die then you have only yourself to blame for losing your stuff.

Kids learn rather well I hope, unless the new generation is full of dumbos. If someone kills them once, they won’t be happy and they’ll try to find a way to safely hoard their stuff. If they are too young to figure that kind of thing out, then they probably wouldn’t care as much about dying anyway.

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Its a risk vs reward system. if you dont lose anything then you dont care about dying, if you lose too much you refuse to play.

mats and gold are both easy to store, so if you find a dungeon you might look in your inventory and say ‘‘hmm, i will have to go back and store this and then i can take the dungeon without a risk or i can try to fight it now and lose all of my current mats and gold’’ rather than just go ‘‘uhh dungeon, lets do it, doesnt matter if it is 15 levels higher than me, because i wont lose anything from dying anyways. trolololol’’

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We are not going to agree on the gold part as I see absolutely zero benefit for anyone but the troll in it. There are plenty of other games for trolls.

But since death needs to have a penalty and we know that PVPers are going to run around naked with no inventory, there is no penalty at all. So there must be more that is needed to add a price to death. I think the only thing left is experience or a painful death sequence. Thoughts?.

dont go on pvp worlds?

this is purely for PVE Worlds. i have realised they need to have different death penalties for pvp and pve worlds.

why is it so hard to store gold from time to time? it is not about benefit, actually the other way around, its about punishing death.

yes let’s attack a lvl 50 player (with legendary armor and weapon) with no armor and no weapon.
Sounds like a profitable idea for a pk.


Trolls aren’t a big issue, everyone here has thought about them and thus beacons were born. Yes if you are in a pvp zone someone is very likely going to kill you, but you hopefully understand what a base is for and you regularly return to restock on tools and drop off loot. you may lose what you collected temporarily, but you have all of your previous resources to fall back on.

PK’ers do not like challenges. They almost never attack someone they cannot win against. However, if they have nothing to lose and there is a chance of winning…

I was sort of hoping that all worlds would be PVP enabled ad that there would simply be places where PK was forbidden like where beacons were. As silly as Minecraft was, it had a substantial death penalty, but nobody cared because nothing has value. If that is where we are going, I would love it. But the whole concept of economy suggests the opposite. But that is another topic.

Back on topic, what is the death penalty for the naked person?

No sorry only some worlds will be pvp, that why we are asking for full drop in pvp worlds, not in the rest.

Well i don’t think any naked and unarmed person will be able to kill anyone with a minimal equipment (even if they have their unarmed skill to the max) but if they can do that, well they will be easy to kill anyways, they are naked ._.


Well if that is definitely the case, then I guess I don’t care much either way.

constant non stop pvp would be waaay too hardcore.

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