Decorative Crops lasting less than 2 weeks?

Just want to add that I was also only expecting plants to wither if left unattended. When I first heard new plants were going to add prestige but they would die I thought it sounded like an awesome mechanic. Make sure to fertilize at least once a week or lose your bonus. But I probably won’t bother with them either if the mechanic stays the same.

they’re quite cheap to make, much less effort than fertilizer. In that regard you could replant a set each week instead of fertilizing - would end up quicker and cheaper. Why do you feel this is a worse option?

same, especially the rare color ones


Which ends-up being annoying because it happens on A LOT of threads I make, and it’s basically a loss of time for me to argue with you.
There’s nothing for you to understand. It’s a belief thing. I highly doubt it can change because you’re likely not playing the game for the same reasons as me.
So most of the time, when I read something you write, I kinda brace myself thinking “there a 75% chance of me disagreeing with what he wrote”.
It’s not a “trust” issue, never was. You can trust me on that. There’s only two players I highly dis-trust both in-game and on the forums. You’re none of them.

I was only referring to the titles ot the two official threads which I quoted in bold. These plants are officially called “ornamental” and “decorative”, so telling me these plant are not decorative items makes no sense.

I’m not saying everybody will agree with me. That’d be stupid of me.
But I do say with no doubt that the majority of players will agree with me on this issue.
Even if the forum’s vocal majority doesn’t, I can assure you that given time, you will see less and less of these ornamental crops in builds, because after a while, people won’t bother with yet another thing to care for.
Instead, they will come back to prestigious blocks that don’t die on you, blocks that you just have to craft, place, maybe chisel and then, DONE.
These flowers should do the same : you plant them, DONE. THEN maybe add a function like “you put fertilizer on the flowers, they give you more prestige for some time and slighly glow in the dark, neat-o!”.

It doesn’t even make sense that these die and the farming crops don’t!
At this point, I’d rely more on the farming crops for making decoration in my build.

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It’s still off topic period.

And I apologize up front because so is this. Who cares about why you are constantly misunderstood or why players seem to always be attacking you. If it happens as frequently as it does is it all the other players that are the problem? It is exhausting to constantly have to go through walls of text where you dissect every perceived slight and it has nothing to do with the game. If you need to discuss it with more than the person who you are responding to then start a new thread. Take your own advice which you threw at me the other day and keep on topic or start a new thread.


Thanks for the warning, you are right I do need to try harder. I guess you will be doing this with every single other person and thread now? I knew Havok was taking a break from being a moderator and I guess you took the role?

I am not sure how the below is throwing it at you. I just took it as a suggestion and gave a reason. Someone clarified why it was relevant and I let you all continue. Seems like I threw nothing but I apologize if it came off as rude.

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Yeah, well, in the meantime, I just woke up this morning to fertilize my decorative crops, until I got to the one which was expected yesterday to die in 11 days.

This means that all the ‘decorative crops’ saying “yay, 4 weeks and 5 days” can also suddenly die waaaaaay faster than expected.
What a wonderful system. I love it.

Anyway, I’m giving away 12 Deep Azure Ancestor’s Blade seeds and 15 Stale Turquoise Trailing Starblossom seeds to whoever wants them.

They’ll be up in a shop stand in the market-place of the Raxxian Sanctuary next to my atlases, for free.

Given! Case closed as far as I’m concerned.
Gonna wait until all these current ‘decorative’ crops are dead and never plant anymore of them again.


So if you don’t fertilize them again once it matures, they can wither faster than the stated “(ie:)3 weeks to wither”?


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Actually with rng even if you fertilize you can loose them early. Since the fertilizer can wear off.

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That’s kinda wonky. Who is going to stare at their plants 24/7 just in case the fertilizer wears off


Not me…(looks around and only hears crickets chirping)


Yeah, they were all fertilized as soon as I could, so sometimes, I did a round of fertilizer-check two to three times a day.
My ONLY possible mistake would’ve been to do it on a character without the farming talents during the second day, but I doubt this changed anything in the long run.
For someone like me, the Petrolim used to make High-octane fertilizer is too rare/expensive to be wasted on these plants which are definitely not worth the prestige bonus.
I’m back to building things with bricks and gleam.


I am just using the crops for decorative plants. They fill the entire block which I like and the yams look like flowers and they LAST FOREVER. Since I am not in it for the prestige anyway this works for me. . of course this is one reason I want more crop plants so I have more plants to decorate my builds with.


Personally, I LOOOOOVE the Starberries.

If you aks me, they look 100% better than the Trailing Starblossoms.
They’re more “full”.

The ONLY way Starberries could be better would be for their leaves to take on the color of the leaves they’re planted under.
And maybe a sliiiighly more detailed model, but honestly, it’s fine.


This will be me too lol


The main reason I liked the deco plants were the intricate designs and the glowing parts


Yeah, same!
That’d the only reason for me to want to use them… a shame the devs thought we wanted more chores and more prestige things.

And I’m deeply concerned with the future furniture update (which might take months or years to come, it’s impossible to know at this point), because I’m afraid the devs might hide them behind ridiculous walls of grinding or will tie them to cr@ppy mecanics like these decorative flowers.
I said it elsewhere, imagine you have to wax the furniture often to keep them from deteriorating… that’d be a nope from me.

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I think they went lower res due to the fact players would have so many of them in their farms and I think also they are not meshes but blocks. Someone might need to correct me on the last part.

That sounds wrong to me.
To me, a block can only be one of those voxel objects which can be chiseled (glass being the one exception - and warp/portal conduits).

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that makes sense. .