Delta Concret question on it

My son went to this l4 planet, inhospitable metal world and it looks like it is all white fog with black dots. He can’t see a thing and is asking what does he need to do to be able to go there and look for metals?
I know that there are certain skills or something that you can use your skill points on, but not sure which ones need to be taken, so any help will be greatly appreciated.

For planets from tier 4 up, you need the appropriate “atmospheric protection” skill, or foods that increase this skill. It can be found in the skill tree of the character menu as 4 small cloud icons that each differ. Their tooltip should show you which skill is needed for metal worlds; think it was blast

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Will this allow him to see? He wants to know this, if he takes the skills will this help him to see or is it an issue with his graphic card? Will he be able to see through the fog?
He is driving me nuts in how he wants me to word the post/question.

Delta Cancret is a T4 coal world, so he’ll need 1 point in ‘Volatile Protection’ to be able to survive there. The type of atmosphere will be in the name of the planet when you look at the portal going there, and the corresponding skill will have that atmosphere type in the description.

1 point for T4 worlds, 3 points for T5 worlds.

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Yes it will let him see if he haves the correct skill learnt

Thank you, will let him know that he went to bed and is now out of my hair. LOL