Testing 224: Farming! (continued)

Seriously, You still want to argue that you are right and that some will not understand what yield means?

It only takes common sense to go and find a dictionary or even better use their computer to look up the meaning, yet you are going that they can’t even think of that? To me, really, you are insulting the intelligence of the average player.

Yield, you will not “win” as your point does not have a leg to stand on that it is a wrong word to use as some players will not understand it and be confused.

I’m not responding to any more of your refusal to see that yield is a common word used in many countries, that a player can figure it out by the context of the sentence or even have the intelligence to go and find out the meaning of that word.

Instead of hats we should call them toques so we can sound more sophisticated.

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To the test server!! :smiley:


I had to google that. I learned something today!


I’m off to find out what it means also, a new word for me!

I would’ve let this drop, but your attitude was wholly unnecessary and rude, especially after I’ve been particularly neutral lately.

As you can see, “yield” is barely ever used in many, many peoples regular everyday discourse online, and in my personal experience, living between urban and agricultural, I nearly never heard the word uttered in real-life. It stands to reason perhaps a better word or phrasing could be used.

The average player does not have the knowledge and experience you do in this game, the patience, nor the desire to seek answers.

We were all noobs once, you were too.

I think back to one of your earlier topics, Delta Concret question on it

Why didn’t you use common sense to read the Tutorial Objectives, or understand the skill named “Atmospheric Protection” and quickly deduce it’s necessity?

Boundless is large, it is complex, and you have needed help multiple times to understand its systems, despite said systems at times being perfectly clear of their use.

And though you were patient and mature enough to ask for help, that is something the average gamer may not care to do. They are of the mobile gaming generation, and many expect succinct, simple, swift progression with routine rewards.

The irony of all this is that your post occurred AFTER they greatly simplified Atmospheric Protection mechanics,

Changes to atmospheres:

  • Atmosphere logic is much simpler now.
  • If your protection (skills in the atmosphere protection added to any food with protection) is greater too or equal to the atmosphere damage of the world then you are protected.
  • When protected the atmosphere fog will roll out and your air bar will refill.
  • If you are not protected the atmosphere fog will come right up to the portal to make it clear.
  • In the last minute of food protection the atmosphere fog will move up to 30m to remind you to eat some more or start getting off planet.
  • You can now eat food while on the planet to refresh your atmosphere protection."

Before September of last year, when you entered a T4+ planet, you slowly took damage until you died. Your only clue was the flashing colors on the screen which corresponded to “burning” or “toxic” or “static”. Despite simplifying this, you, and others, either needed to ask for help, or struggled with it.

They then simplified it even further by allowing 1 point in ANY atmosphere protection skill to apply to any T4 world I believe.

There are many examples of the Developers needing to simplify the systems for other players. They recently made warping home free.

Despite “common sense” that you shouldn’t wander into a portal you can’t see in, people kept getting lost in high tier worlds, then blowing all their coin on a warp back to their beacon and going into debt, or not even realizing you COULD warp back to your home beacon.

The simpler the systems, the simpler the words, the fewer people rage quit, and the easier it is to grow Boundless.

If there’s one thing I’ve learned with my years of Engineering knowledge, it’s that if you leave open the possibility for someone to misunderstand instructions, or misuse a product, they will do so despite the most glaring of common sense.

For example, Toxic labels on tide detergent, or Nintendo craftily molding a nub on the end of their 3DS cartridges so they wouldn’t fit in the Original DS’s.

I wonder if that yielded desired results… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I’m sorry, I really don’t get this line of reasoning, if the general internet using public does not use certain words they should not be used in a game because it might make sure people rage quit?

Because that’s basically what you’re saying. If people can’t be bothered to use Google to look up a normal English word they will rage quit anyway once they come across something they need to go to the forums for, the horror!

To me, a non native English speaker, it’s a normal word and sure some younger players might not have heard of it yet but that is a good thing, they will have to figure it out or search the meaning and then learn something new. If game devs are only allowed to use the commonly used words on the internet not much will be left to use in 20 years…

For funsies I tried some words you used in your post, might wanna find another word for ‘deduce’ since the people you are talking about might not understand that either:

Anyhoo, shall we get back on topic?


Let’s go, ol’ chum!


(instead of your crop just sitting there doing nothing)

Oh can they dance?

I have replanted all 3 berries to try and get the max yields after the last update.

For the regular starberries I am planting 24 starberries per plot. I could add one more row in height but it would be harder to harvest and plant with how tight the plants are arranged. But lets use 36 as the max per plot.

For the Juicy Starberries I can get 24 per plot. This also means going three levels high on each plot with two it would only be 16. Lets use the 24 because these have to be spaced enough it is not as difficult to reach the third level for planting and harvesting. Full disclosure this is using a method that @Stretchious told me about. My original plan did not give me this many plants per plot.

For Glossy Starberries I was able to get 12 per plot with 3 levels. I only planted two rows tall but three is certainly possible.

The plants per plot I got for all the Yams, the Oats and the Wheat Is 48 only planting one level of crops per plot. You could add another level and use gleam to light the lower level plants. It seems that it is more productive to plant the non-berry crops or that a player is going to require quite a few plots to grow them insignificant numbers.

Regular Starberries

Glossy Starberries

Doesn’t matter about the productivity (“yield” for those with more than an up-goer five vocabulary) if you can have a vinyard gracing your estate. Just image sitting by the lake, quaffing a Relaxing Brew as the sun settles below the horizon and the Worlds being to rise and you gaze out over the rows of Glossy Starberry Vines rolling of into the distance.

If only we could crush the various Starberries to produce a must that can be converted into some sort of Brew…

I know it’s a bit late but don’t forget about the cars with both options(paddle shifters) oh and that Audi with no clutch lol

If you are going for something to look at yes, but as these plants are now the best source for certain resources, being able to maximize the plants per plot and the yield per plot does matter if you are growing for the resources.

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Starberry Daiquiri? :grinning::wink:


There are a couple of ways you can do this for produce…

Method Pro Con
1. Optimise per crop Higher per crop yield Less crops per plot
Less seed gathering between harvests
2. Optimise per plot More crops = more produce Lower per crop yield
More seed gathering between harvests

I think they will both have their merits as there is nothing stopping you cramming lots of starberries into one plot - they will still grow, but will not produce as high a yield per crop. I think they would come out pretty equal, with possibly the more crops per plot actually having more produce. The cost for that though is you will need to gather more seeds overall

Did somebody order a Healing Smoothie?


Oortian Wine! we have the berries all we need now is a brewing machine… and a pub


Hey you guys olmost done testing ?


I agree but the time/coin cost in having to buy or gather more seeds would might make it better to optimize for seeds at least.

I have a tavern at one of my builds, would be awesome to stock it with proper drinks instead of forging liquids for the aesthetics