Design: About Oort Shards, Portals and Warps

That sounds insanely awesome, thanks alot for explaining it Ben :smiley:

but how do you beacon them then? or rather what is the price, if i want to change part of my beacon to kumas do i have to remove them and pay to rebeacon? and when i dont want him anymore do i still have the ability to remove his access, or is that part officially his until he doesnt want it anymore?

PS: this is really good information and i would highly recommend making a devlog about it, (and moving this entire discussion to it, something only mods and devs can do, since its getting a bit off topic compared to portals)

Will do when we’re ready to share more of the Beacons, it’s much easier to show on video. Soon.

Beacon-ing is as easy as placing a block. There is in-game visualisation of what you’re claiming or enlarging.

We’re holding this back until the new GUI is ready, the placeholder GUI solution just wasn’t clear at all, and we don’t want players getting frustrated or misunderstanding this system because we haven’t built out the GUI well enough. It’s not too far off though.


sounds promising, look forward to it.

It sounds very promising and yes it’s much clearer in a video^^

You’re basically making all of my dreams come true with all of this information about beacons. The time you all spent in design and development seems well worth it, everything sounds amazing!


beaconception? We must go deeper.

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I think this was not asked yet: Will we be able to connect two portals from any - to any world? Or will only certain worlds be “linkable”? Meaning that portals would span a net like this:


I hope to be able to link all worlds cuz it would enable hub cities. It just should be harder to build a portal on a higher tiered world anf access should be limited by tier progress of characters trying to pass.

I think it depends on the “token” or whatever the official word is. So you need the token for friend A to go to their world, the token for friend B to go to their world, and the token for world C to go to that world instead of three different portals for each.

I could definitely be mistaken and don’t have time right now to find the posts to research this :frowning:

tying into the idea of beacons needing fuel to keep a space claimed, i think that having multiple beacons needed for multiple claims is inneficient. i like the idea ben has outlaid, quite a bit. i have high hopes for this game!

We’re glad to have you with us @Karnevale, we have high hopes too :smiley:

Portal question:

Is/will it possible to get different sizes and shapes of portals by building different frames, or are they restricted to a certain sized rectangle?


I like this idea. Maybe small portals for Persons and bigger Portals for Mounts (pets) or even Structures.


I want portals that are large enough to move entire structure ^^ so you can move anything ^^

That sentence doesn’t make sense .-.
Do you mean you want portals for structures?

i have improved the last post ^^

I think he means something like airship portals.

34 posts were split to a new topic: Automations, Airships and blueprints

How about a buff which lasts for 3 blocks wide when entering a portal you get invul. You fall. NP. You are invul. You walk 4th block wide invul fades off. But then portals shouldnt be allowed to place in a close range to mobs/titans.