I believe that’s how it works now. And by “now” I mean that you can open a client with your world builder world but there won’t be any resources on it and afaik no way to get resources in it. And if you break any blocks the client crashes. So resources must be added later (which makes sense given what we know of the world regen systems)
If not deleted entirely. Unless they somehow allow beacons to prevent that destruction but then you’re right, the best case scenario will be a very very messed up surrounding area of the build.
If I rent a planet I want to be able to dig clear through the middle of it, lol but really I do.
What type of customisation are you looking for I wonder? Because to me it seems that even if they allow that you will need to make your own config for it using World Builder and that’s not an easy program to learn it seems for just one planet!
Perhaps they can ask us more questions of what we want, allow us to make small prefab items like trees in a simpler program and then they can create the config, but of what I’ve seen from World Builder that will be a lot of work for them and I do not see them spend a day to construct one world. And what if you don’t like the results? Let them spend another day at it?
So best thing would be to use World Builder, or better if they some day spend some time on it to make it more user friendly, but that is time wasted on something that is not going to be used often and takes away from new features of the game so I’m kinda conflicted about that idea…
You mean like make it a torus? Unfortunately not possible, the worlds have some fun wrapping tech involved but they’re basically just planes that connect together to make it feel like you’re walking on the surface of a planet.
I know but it would still be cool
if someone rents a planet and I believe they should have total control of the way the land masses and the terrain is formed. I think to be honest with you allowing people to have creative mode for a couple months would allow us to have planets that were so incredibly unique that they would be showcases for the Developers for future. I do believe there should be some rules as far as like what type of resources are allowed to be spawned and what number. beyond that I don’t see why if someone wants to have a Himalayan mountain chain on their planet that they shouldn’t be allowed to have one. or if they want to have a water world with maybe 1% land mass. I say the developer should turn us loose and allow us to make whatever the heck we want as long as we stay within rules. think of it this way a lot of us would come up with ideas that perhaps they hadn’t thought up and they could always incorporate them into a future planet
Sadly I don’t think they can perfect this to everyone’s satisfaction out of the gate, plus I believe it will take way, way, way more time than they’ve already spend on it.
I don’t like that idea at all.
What if they are implementing some form of blueprint so you can move your build from your less than ideal rental world to a much better one?
That is something I can get behind! Because blueprints can also be used outside of the rental world thing!
Again, I totally understand them to be reluctant to spend lots of time for things that they have no idea of how often it’s going to be used, how popular it’s gonna be. And besides that, if you want a single rental planet you will use everything they made for it ONCE.
Hence why I am more a fan of putting time into things we can use/enjoy more than once and improve rental worlds over time! Nothing is perfect the first time around, how many changes have we gotten to essential systems already?
I’d absolutely agree with you here. The color rarity is temporary. But I’d call it the name of the game. If people are paying thousands per black gleam and then all of a sudden black gleam was on a perm planet, I wouldn’t call it a bad thing and I wouldn’t say it makes a build any less. Like I said I do see both sides of the argument. Even if it’s a false sense of pride for having rare colors, there still is a sense of pride having those rare colors that others can’t get currently, even if temporary.
So basically I’m right in between and agree that color rarity is bad, but also will still defend it because I do like it in a way as well. I guess maybe I wouldn’t be mad either way they decided to go with it now that I think about it.
This is a really good idea actually. Prefabs are one of the easier things to make in world builder and one of the things that is easier to control and have complete creative control over. Episode 3 shows it off.
I agree with your other points too. People have to realize the devs are trying to make something that can create worlds for us with limited involvement from them. If they lose out on a bunch of dev time merely policing people’s world builder configs and can’t give us wearables, hunters, titans, etc. etc. etc. I think people will be upset.
I can see two sides to this. They promised rental planets at the same time they promised Titans. I do not think it is ok for them to do a poor job on releasing rental planets anymore than it is ok for them to do a bad job on programming Titans. If they do two mediocere releases just to get it done then no one is going to be happy.
I believed that the precast theme would be community driven.
I make a tree and upload it to the prefab store, I can choose to put it free or put a price in Cubits. If I choose to charge for them, the company takes a% of the price.
I think that this would encourage a lot of variety and reward you for good designs that are loved by others.
Not that I have a very worked idea or suggestion on this but I don’t know. I thought the precast part would be just that, community driven, kind of like Creativerse.
Yeah, nothing is going to be perfect from the get go, spending more time on it right now seems like a waste of precious dev time!
And besides, I want rental worlds yesterday!
Prefabs are things like trees and like those grave like things on Besevrona, etc.
What James said was about config files for types of planets. One of those config files has been used to create ALL T1 Lush planets we currently have. None of those look the same.
Is that wrong too?
I do agree tho that if someone took the time to learn World Builder and made something they feel happy about that it should be possible to hand over that config file to the devs so they can generate a world for you using that config!
It was a long time ago since I last looked at World Builder but doesn’t it allow you to generate a world or parts of worlds? Every time you hit the button again to generate it it’s different, even when you did not change a single thing to your settings…
Pre-made configs! Again, every single T1 Lush world is made randomly by the same pre-made config file.
All T2 are made by another pre-made config file. 1 config can generate a gazillion random and thus different looking planets…
Yes and yes. And yes again (so long as you change the seed).
Well I had some unfounded assumptions back when I first read and thought about them. I didn’t think I’d get everything I want but a summary would be:
Connected planets
- Limited to generation of palette by world tier as per public universe
- Chance to pick a template world but randomise the seed or similar to generate different biomes/palette until you are satisfied. Preferably by region but moon on a stick there.
- Option to further customise using a more friendly layer between user and world builder if wanted
The last option I assumed would be dearer because it’d involve more up-front investment in tooling.
Disconnected planets
As above but without restrictions on palette or biome creation, for example:
- seas of whatever Gleam you like,
- lush palettes on a fierce world or vice versa
- even a hand picked palette!
I assumed the final way to design & purchase would be an in-game layer which interfaces with a server-side world builder and the user could choose the complexity they faced when doing so, but I recognise that the more customisation we have will require more work to make a broad range of users and their skill sets happy.
I would assume there will be people who will be very happy to just get the privacy and don’t want the hassle of tinkering with a world beyond picking a tier and hitting randomise a few times. I’m the other way and would like to spend several days tweaking and twiddling before building my “permanent” home.
Anyway like I said maybe they could survey or something. I agree with Stretchious, I’d like to see it out as close to great as it can be but I can see how that may not be practical. As long as there’s some way that early adopters could be protected from being disadvantaged, for example like a functioning beacon transfer system from public → private or private → private).
Once one person makes a rental planet with some block colours everyone wants and the owner keeps others away to try to be the only one who can sell them then within an hour 10 more will be created with the same palette and those will be open to all…
I am not worried about that. In fact I really do hope they do allow us to choose our own colours, tho I could understand they might limit certain blocks to some preset ranges of colours, like Lush planets are supposed to be to look earth like and not too alien so luminous yellow rocks would be sorta weird to see, BUT with things like gleam and most if not all of the blocks we can not spray paint I really do not see a problem in them allowing us to choose any colour we want! Black gleam here we come!!!
That’s another case I didn’t think about. I mean there’s no way only one person is gonna choose black gleam for their planet. There would be some that would get those colors and make it open to all I’m sure
I do get that and I used to have that same enthusiasm when exo planets were first introduced. Right now I’m often enough a tad bummed out by yet another umbris planet with dark red/orange, hot cherry, etc. colours, there’s a limited range for them and I would love it to be possible for the higher level planets to have way more variation. I would like if exo’s did too, but it would also work for me if rental planets allow us to choose some colours!
Besides, there are so many items and blocks that it will still take a lot of time before we have every item/block in all 255 colours available on some rental planet!
Well, we could throw our money in a shared rental scheme and rent 255 planets, each planet has the same colour for everything
But nah, I don’t see it happening we can freely choose every colour but some colours I would love to be selectable! I still would be against Lush worlds to have weird colours, but I don’t mind to see them on T5+ worlds…(or non Lush T4 ones)
While I strongly agree with your post, I do not see why it would matter on a rental planet if a player wanted a lush planet with all different shades of pink, why they could not have one. While it might give me a headache, this is an alien universe and I am not sure why any class of planets has to look earthlike.
I think that’s the dev classification of palettes currently associated with lush planets. Not Aenea’s definition or anything.