I’m just making this to put my frustration out about diamond mining… Like I’m just wasting my time … cmon its too hard I don’t understand
Yesterday I mined for almost 2 hours using gold bombs, directed to hotspots by my atlas, and found 0 diamonds.
Today I got 80 in a little under an hour.
I wish I could tell you what I was doing differently.
What is the issue? We can’t help if you don’t describe…
Well that atlas doesn’t show anything. I mine deep under a mountain with the good spots after finding 1 diamond and strip mine and I find nothing for two hours. Like idk
What depth? what type of mountain? how do you mean “strip mining”
When i was strip mining on home worlds i made corridors spaced one block apart so as not to miss much and then came back and alternated the corridors. ive since progressed to bombs, not liking the tedium of smacking with a hammer for hours on end. however, even with bombs you could be standing two blocks above or below or to the side of diamonds and not know it.
Edit: Also, the atlas doesnt update as fast i would like. the world could have regenerated and the atlas would still show that there is or isnt something there(depending on circumstances).
I believe the atlas updates every 24 hours, but I could be wrong.
Use the bomb mining.
Normal Titanium bomb mining average 120- 180 / 1-2 hours.
Forge Titanium bomb mining average 360-400 / 1-2 hours.
Here is the build i create.
Place 3 bomb / 1 explosion.
Good luck
I was really hoping that the updating of the atlases would of been vastly improved upon after the wipe especially with more players starting but it looks like they are still the same which is extremely underwhelming and I can see a lot of complaints eventually rolling in as more and more people get frustrated trying to find things with out of date map info. If the regen rate is going to be tweaked but atlases left the same then they are going to become pretty useless very quickly.
^^ what he said. Currently, if memory serves, the world regens approximately every 13 hours, so if the atlas updates every 24 hours, that means roughly half the time your atlas is outdated, and that is no bueno
Edit: i did read somewhere on here that they are looking into having the atlas update constantly or have it on a live feed kind of thing(however ya wanna word it) dunno how that would affect servers speed though. A bunch of players running around with fully filled atlases constantly being updated as other players mine the world…
I get about 2-300 diamonds every trip out. Just have to know where and how. Atlases are completely broken for me atm though btw. They show nothing.
guys at what altitude u are mining? diamonds are between 5-40 altitude so very deep dont forget that
I didnt know i could mine that high! ive been keeping between 10-20 alt. Time to update my strat! Need more Diamonds.
I thought bombs actually destroyed the stuff. Also why do we have to resort to bombs… Also i’m happy you get so many diamonds… Thanks for showing off. not helpful. I’ve followed what every other person has said. WHICH I LITERALLY SAID. SO instead of being a ■■■■ about it maybe help me or stay off forums. … I mine by doing many things that I have tried… I have dug straight… I have dug straight and then every third on both right and left dig as far as I can 1x1 then repeat. I have done every third block dig a 3x3 and go out left and right 10 blocks and maybe even connect those. And yes under a mountain and yes I found a diamond and tried to dig this all around the diamond not too far or too close.
While I appreciate the frustration here, please refrain from hostilities to other users.
Currently bomb mining is very efficient, and is usually faster than strip mining due to the larger explosion range, which is why players are suggesting it. If you’re on Serpensarindi, going to altitude 10 in a hotspot on the atlas will give you a better chance of finding diamonds.
Nerf the bombs alrdy steggsie
Why? The bomb mining have a good balance. And actually found saltpetre to make bombs its very hard, i think its ok.
Also nobody mentioned that you need power before you can make titanium bombs…
I can underatand the frustrations, needing the diamonds to make good bombs in order to het diamonds, especially when I’ve literally only found 10 all in all the entire time I’ve played BUT I’ve found that not knowing where to look leads to not getting what you’re looking for. Ive been mining mainly at mantle (which is where I was informed there are diamonds, roughly between mantle amd 15 alt.) Obviously there is some confusion out there as to where diamonds are found, but the fact that you can mine up to 40 alt deep is fantastic! As for bombs, while yea titanium I’m absolutely sure would be great and efficient and all, though if you’re like me and have no coin (too much warping on the new worlds ToT) or only one power coil for the workbench, making bombs a lower tier to start out with would be a good solution. I mean, if ya can’t get the best, go woth the next best thing. Am I right? But neither here nor there (just like these diamonds) you just gotta keep at it. I’ve spent days on end looking for those suckers, and yea I got frustrated not finding any, but I promise the sweet relief of finally finding a decent little vein of diamond seams is soooooo rewarding. Sure, again like me, that might not change the fact you’re behind in development compared to most, but none the less, try, try, and try again. Or did I misunderstand the meaning of ‘grind’? But all in all, as long as you try, you can at least say you tried. Eventually you’ll succeed buddy
as will I, and the next guy, and the next. It’s only anmatter of time and effort
I’m no pro, but I use chisels to help me create a tunnel length wise, then use the stone square chisel every block to the side.
(If you hit resources you can’t chisel anymore so you know when you’ve hit)
So really because it’s alternate youre actually viewing well over a plots size area…make sense? I’ve found more ore veins doing this than straight up mailing with hammer… How can I view my altitude? Debug?
Press P to go to places, then LOCATIONS tab, under ORIENTATION you have current location: N, S (Altitude: xx)
xx is your… yep you guessed it right current attitude