its no hard? pff you dont know the process to get them rigth?
using mass craft.
1.- you need volatile blood and flint (18,72)
2.- saltpetre fragments (36)
3.- 500 power (for titanium) the best
4.- titanium allow
volatile blood if you dont have a good hunter its hard farm this.
flint its easy to farm.
Saltpetre fragments its hard to found them, if not, why its very expensive?
500 power, you know what do you need to make the power coils?(without mass craft)
need copper to make the machined blocks, to get them need compact copper, refine them, and machined, need around 50 rought diamonds to compact them, to get the diamonds you need go to lvl 5 planet, ohh wait, to go to this planet need protection, you need spend skills point to protect you, you need good tools because its a lvl 5 planet, the block have a lot of defence and healt, ohh but to go to the lvl 5 planet need a portal, wihtout the PS help, its very hard and expensive to travel, now, you have the diamonds but you need tech components too, in low levels its hard to found them, you need to mid+ levels planet to have a good rate.
now the titanium allow, you need 72 gold/silver allow and 36 titanium bars to make 50 titanium bars, to make gold/silver allow you need coal and a good furnance to make the bars, and you need mix copper with gold and iron with silver, you need go to mid+ lvl planet to farm gold or silver, again you need the PS, to find gold or silver you need time to found them, the titanium you need to go to lvl5 to find it.
ok, now you have 500 power to make titanium bombs, why titanium? because them have the best damage and aoe.
if you go to the lvl 5+ planets you need launch around 8 coppers bombs to break the block, 4 if you use iron (wihtout skills pooints) 6 copper or 3 iron (with skill points) if you use copper or iron bombs its a bad way, why? because the time to explote and launch them are a lot, if you use copper you spend time, but you do a 3 radious hole, if you use iron you dont spend time to explote and launch the bombs, but sacrifice the radious,
for those reazons titanium.
With titanium its more easy, but expensive too, you need the doble items than you need to make copper/iron bombs, and rare ingredients (titanium and gold/silver)
Idk why you say that to make bombs are easy.