Did a bit of napkin math, you can now make at least 600k per hour farming peat for spark. Not good for the botter situation

By just selling my stored spark, I get 200k in 5 min lol.

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Lmao. So I can log on and mint my almost 1 billion in spark? How much will that get me?

Like 50 million coin?

300 units of spark at a time tho lol :dizzy_face:

300,000… but yeah… for 1 billion would take a while.


Couple A few hours at the minter not even a hard day’s grind. :smirk:

Can you explain your math? There must be something wrong with mine as my numbers aren’t nearly as high as 600k/h :thinking:


Well, I had a lot of spark in spare generators, my main gen was filled to the max, bought some spark mats yesterday for real cheap (8c), etc., etc.

Decided to mint most of it! Kept 5m spark in my main gens but the rest went the way of the minter.

I made 2.5m coin :joy:

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I think his math is based on just the time required on minting the spark. That means you already have your gens full.

But if you start from zero spark in gens, in my math you need at least 199 gens burning/hour chc to get the amount of spark/hour you need to reach that 600k.

That seems to me a lot of work.

am I wrong ?

Don’t forget the time to “farm the peat” since thats also included in this 600k per hour

Even though if it less efficient, if it isn’t patched out in the update, I think I’ll still stick to mining… I’ll get a lot of other stuff while doing it that - with people having more coin - should sell well, raise my prices on coal, probably do some minting myself. Preparing to make my Chrysominter coils. :wink: Though I did a little minting last night, after thinking on it, decided not to do any more until I see what the devs say/do about this - nothing said or done by the time the updates are complete, I’ll assume it isn’t considered a mistake or exploit, and off to work I go!

Anyway I am more worried about those rich guys that can go now across planets buying all coal just to mint it and get 3x more milions, because now it will be harder for those who use it to craft. We won’t find the coal or will end up paying 420c which is what you can get by minting the spark.

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Regardles of the demand, should this not get patched (I’ve got to think it will, but could be wrong), I decided to cap coal prices at 40c. :slight_smile: I’ve always sold it really cheap - I was at 8c on hard coal, I really needed to go up on that anyways so I can keep turning a profit with tool prices going up probably, but I’m going to start with smaller. I’ll first go up to 18-25c or so on the hard coal. I do mine a lot so stock on that usually pretty decent at my places, and if nothing else the stocking is unpredictable and fairly frequent so people have a chance at it (haha, shameless shop plug here I guess). :smiley:

Edit- Basically I’ll take SOME advantage of this, I’ll have to if I don’t want to fall so far behind that I can’t enjoy the game because I can’t afford things… but I won’t go overboard, I’ll keep it to just enough to keep turning a profit enough to get what I need.

I figured the math out, it’s the theoretical maximum you can get while just farming peat at the absolute fastest speed you can achieve in the game with 0 downtime.


Yeah. Best I was getting was closer to 200k when factoring in machine repair, compaction, conversion, and minting.

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with farming the peat as well? just curious … and how much does 1 compact peat provide for spark? 300? since I can’t check in game at the moment

It’s 500 per compact, and yeah that was with farming it, but only after I’d gotten started. It was 200k once I was at a point where I was maintaining the process, not to initially start

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Hopefully this is adjusted or it is just easier ignore whole economy again.

200k/h sounds more realistic, and I presume you’re not factoring in the equipment costs in it?


correct, that’s without shovel, bomb, and spanner costs

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