Did a bit of napkin math, you can now make at least 600k per hour farming peat for spark. Not good for the botter situation

My “napkin math” to come up with 600k per hour looks something like this…

600,000 at 39c each for the spark items with a fully coiled minter (i think thats the mint value) means you would need 15,385 of the spark items which is 15,385,000 - or so in spark.

at 500 spark per compact peat you need 30770 compact peat which means you need 221,540 ish (rounding a bit) peaty soil to compact. Not sure how long it takes 1 person to farm that much.

You also need to run 1231 mass crafts at lets say 20 mins each because I am not sure with full power compactors which would also “use” 3,077,000 ish spark to do in the process and take 24,616 minutes or so if in a single compactor so to do it in under an hour you would need to divide that up across 410 compactors.

None of this includes minting time or machine repair time … but I guess in theory a bot army could pull it off.

Of course my math could also be way off as it has been a long day.


And the minting times are killer. 355 at a time at most and then completely repair minter coils
And repairing generators every 50k spark/per machine

That’s why I said earlier I don’t care much about botters in this case. If you do it with peat is an absurd amount of effort.

I think that the economy will be more affected by those who buy compact hard coal than those who farm peat xD

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game is back up guys!

But hard coal isn’t created by regen farming therefore is much harder to exploit. Plus, one of the main time constraints is constantly repairing the minter, that gets old fast.

its not online really i just wanted to ‘‘break the ice’’

who tried to login?

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No it’s not.

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Lol, I did. You’re evil

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I can’t see anybody doing this AND actually playing the game. On a side note, I had no idea you could turn spark into coin.

But the real solution is to just ban botting if that’s a thing. Shouldn’t be too hard from a logical perspective, as most bots will logically perform the exact same loop of actions over and over… down to the millisecond. But in Ultima online we would program our macros to perform a random action here and there :rofl:

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It’s been patched out now. A bit of hyper-panicking and false math had this one nerfed within 24 hours.


Nothing more to see here. This is now history


Would’ve been a bit impractical to begin with. If you wanted to process just one peat farmer’s output as fast as it’s produced, you’d need >600 compactors and >1000 generators. The generators would last for 2.8 hours before needing to be repaired.
