Display stand

A shop stand / plinth that displays any added item with the rotation animation from items that are dropped. Could be used to interesting effect to animate builds and make builds & interiors seem more alive, especially if hiding the actual plinth away somehow.


I’ve been thinking for a while about interiors and how they can sometimes lack life and function. Something like this could be a 1st step in the right direction.

I would love to be able to place an Atlas on a plinth for it to do the rotation animation, then still be able to interact with and spin in any direction you want to see everything on it. Rather than it being locked to your position when you hold.

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Also a way to have light in a single direction like a spot light, but on a small scale for displays

Both would help me realize my observatory and planetarium in a more complete way on alnitans, also a way to make small lights that dont produce auras or one block auras for direct lighting of neighboring blocks, maybe even in s single direction. Minimal glow for accents


i think that is technically not possible, haha because they are not really a ball :smiley:
but at all its cool!

I wish we could “place” things in the Plinth the same way we do the shop stand, but without the actually selling part. I want to have a nice map room to display my atlases. I’m using shop stands with silly high prices (might switch to throwing a lock on them), but a display stand of some sort would be even better.

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