DKPoll: Plots on sovereign worlds

I absolutely support a rework that allows easier XP gains for building and a way to monetize building. At the moment builders ARE at a disadvantage in those respects. But I definitely agree that rental world’s ARENT just for builders. And unlimited plots isn’t the cure, just a band-aid that makes the game less for those of us who aren’t hardcore builders. I would much prefer to see an overhaul that allows builders easier XP and coin for their work so they can keep building


but off topic but do you think you can make that statue smaller
i need 8 for my hallway who happen to be also a exact replica off an egyptian temple the hallway 3/4 off my base hahaha if you have time let me know

I asked first. There’s a line :crazy_face:

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Ok now have you ever built anything for another player and been paid for it?

This way you get xp… you get coin… and you dont use any plots. And you start to balance your equation out.

I’m not saying you have to… the game systems just do not allow this to be done easily without trusting someone. But just a concept to consider? Because if you’re building all for YOU and you alone… then it should be costly.

Things get much much easier if you can pay people to do the things you dont enjoy but you rely on… but it does mean that you must do something of value for others in return… something you enjoy… not just grinding for oortstone or something to sell.

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This is PRECISELY what open to feedback means. That there is a current system in place on the test server. And that this system is open to being critiqued.


And it was directly about the plots. :woman_shrugging:
If they’ve got things all settled and ready to go now, that’s great.


I have yes. . a few things in game actually. Most of the time I do not care if I am paid as long as they provide tools and materials. I also did some design work in Magica Voxel for different players. . but this is not a trading thread so I need to not drag this off topic.


Exactly that too. He was talking about the plots, and said that system is open to feedback right after. I’d interpret that as “what does the community think of the way the plots are working and what do you guys suggest we do with the plots going forward”

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Ok here’s my opinion on the feedback.

Either he is open to feedback. Or he is not.

If he is not open to feedback he won’t look at our thoughts and discussion.

If he is open to feedback, he will look at them.

No need to debate both sovereign worlds and also to debate whether James is open to feedback IMO.

Shameless plug: go make a pixelart! All participants get 50k! Happy to help with mats or plots if needed


How about we debate, if we should debate James comment about feedback :thinking::thinking:


We should have this forever, just one thread. It would be as big as “what turns you off of playing Boundless” :rofl:


One can be open to feedback, read it all and yet not change anything tho.

I dunno, I interpreted it differently, but whatever.

I’m gonna leave the forums until it releases because I might otherwise do or say something I might regret…

I rather have a “is James mean?” thread!



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I interpret everything as “Open to Dutch’s feedback” :sunglasses:


@DKPuncherello, did you also have a poll for “equal number of existing account plots to use on private worlds” ?

@DKPuncherello could you please change the wording of both the question and the selectable options in the last poll as there is a very very big difference between buying and renting… and if I’m not mistaken buying a planet is not an option?

Conversations like this should not be kept to PMs, especially when there are so many hotly debated threads around the subject matter.

@james or @Kal-El please share this conversation so everyone has equal access to the same info.

If it’s not meant for public consumption (for whatever reason), then so be it. :woman_shrugging:

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I think it’s fine to look at it as “buying” and paying monthly to maintain it because nobody else is ever going to own that world.

Wow… I sure hope my tenants don’t feel that way…