DKPoll: Plots on sovereign worlds

I never thought you were being inflammatory and Would prefer a discussion like is occurring to rants like some of the other threads in the past have devolved into

This is true but why is this important? Is there some need to clear space on the permanent planets? If we want more permanent planets then do the ones we have now need to be more crowded anyway?

There already are whales in the game that have 50-100k plots ready to go, if they need them for a rental planet. They can already plot a ton and give away ā€œfreeā€ space on their rental. It will happen regardless.

Okay those people most likely earned those plots also.

Did they? If they had a 200% backer plot bonus did they earn them? or buy them?

So does anyone that buys cubits instead of grinding, or someone that decides to spend extra money to rent a planet. There are many things that arenā€™t considered ā€œfairā€.

What I see is key in this type of comment is that on a private world you donā€™t have to secure ALL land and instead only land you expect to ā€œchangeā€ (to protect from regen). On a Public world we need to secure ALL land so it is not taken over by another person. So those using private planets already have a huge advantage over those that wonā€™t play on it.

Plus a Private world player can still have ALL the things they have on Public. So they donā€™t need to keep their mall, workshop, etc and instead lower down that ā€œland ownershipā€. This means the plots should be just fine if they are already using them. In fact they should have more because they donā€™t need to secure ā€œlandā€.

Yes the 200% bonus they ā€œearnedā€ by being a backer.


Buying cubits to buy plots are yes earned plots in my eyes.


Well buying a planet and getting perks for it is fair too. Just like in any other game.

I donā€™t know where you stand on needing ā€œunlimited private plotsā€ or notā€¦ but if someone is doing that 100 plot then then there is no need to have unlimited plots.

Yes that is why it should be the same on Private worlds. Keep the system as it is. People decide where to put their plots outside whether they buy a private planet or not. Easiest solution with least coding changes and fair for all people.

Buying a planet is buying a private space. Thatā€™s it, not buying plots for pennies.


your renting it i wonder what happen if you stop paying rent do your plots go into some kind off weird limbo then if it isnt unlimited
they should rename it from renting a planet to moderating a planet

OK fair enough and since I backed the game it is good to know. So if I rent a planet spent money just like I did to earn the backer bonus, what is the difference? I bought cubits and then exchanged that for plots. . so I bought the cubits and the backer bonus and got me additional plots without ever having to even move a rock in the game. So ding something in game is not necessary to earn plots.


They are still held on the planet until you reclaim them.

The difference is your not being handed unlimited plots. Infinite compared to an actual number is the difference.


It isnā€™t the ā€œadd/removeā€ on your plot count that it is the issue. It is how it links to the WHOLE plot system which is VERY complicated. Of course I donā€™t know all the technicals and if there is a quick fix or not, but I do certainly know that every time they try to go into something they find a large amount of other things that need to change ā€“ hence why Private Planets have taken so long to release as they worked on it the past few months.

They said if you stop paying, it is saved for awhile. We donā€™t know for how long.

And yes, if you allow people to plot on your planet, you are the moderator. ā€œSovereign Leaderā€

OK on a planet that I am paying for and unless a player is willing to tear up possibly a years worth of work they may not even have the plots to use it

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they once told they stored the beta planets ā€œofflineā€ so i think forever then

The plots can be earned or bought. Just like it has been.

And unfortunately yes some people would have to sacrifice old builds to bring about a new.

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