DKPoll: Plots on sovereign worlds

There’s no point in renting a planet if the incentives aren’t worth it to experienced players as well as new players.

“…here’s your new car, Sir. Tires and engine sold separately.”


Fine so rent a planet and then grind away for a few years to start a big project. . lets put that in the sales brochure.


No one has to do anything. Everything is a choice.


That is not a problem, when you want to build in that place, you expropriate the beacon of that intruder that I build on your planet without asking first, you claim the beacon and gain construction materials. At least I imagine it will be like this for this:

Or make sure you don’t include awesome rental planets in any future marketing materials, since they aren’t for newer players. Don’t want to put false advertising out there.

That is true. So if unlimited plots don’t become a thing (which I hope it doesn’t) then they will have a choice to make.

If that really is the case, then it’s not been built very well (no offence intended to the development team, it is what it is). Whilst I don’t think it’s an actual counter (It’s likely some aggregate function), but even it’s a crazy event-sourced behemoth, the idea that they can’t just change how a sovereign planet reacts to having it’s plots aggregated is not a promising concept.

Yep they earned each and every single one of them, either through real money or time spent in game levelling.

Thankyou… Its just my irrational fear of posting an opposing opinion that causes me to add a disclaimer.

Purchased or mined out on serp gleam it doesnt matter does it? If you have plots you have earned them one way or another.

I mean plots are clearly valuable to people… or else why would some people still be so focused on levelling up even after 5 full skill pages? And does it matter if those plots are on a sovereign world or not?

Because those plots need to be included in the price of the rental planet and the value of a plot in real money has to be exactly the same as a plot is in the cash shop. There is nothing I cant do with a plot on a rental world that I can do on an existing world.

What do you think most people have had to do since start to build what they want. Work hard and get the plots. No difference. Should stay this way. Unlimited plots feel to over powered and pay to win.


lol i think the stuff will go back to the other person
would be funny if you see a temple in marble they worked on for a year and you reclaim cuase ya need marble hahahahaha

It turns to ash and the items go into reclaim for the player that originally placed them.

The beta planets are so far out of “revisions” of the game that it likely would be hard to bring back.

As for the private planets I’d expect 1-3 months based on a conversation I had. But nothing was set at stone in that time. Worlds are not small so they do have storage costs so I’d expect it to not be “forever”.

I’m not sure this is the right phrase… because essentially with enough money can already do so.


pay less to win hahahaha

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Yes, well, it would be funny, right? LOL

Even so, you don’t need unlimited plots to protect your planet …

I know I felt dirty even saying it



I have caught myself almost typing it. That’s why I jumped on you haha.


The person is getting a world connected to public space that they own. There is a huge list of “advantages” that decision brings to them. So it isn’t exactly like the analogy you are using on the car. Worlds exist outside of plots.


i agree but not plots something like unlimited protection plots without building acces would cure alot off futur trouble

Yes you can kick the person off the planet but the materials would be reclaimed to THAT person not the owner of the planet.