DKPoll: Plots on sovereign worlds

Please list them.

So far it’s…
Name a planet.
Select from a few colors.
Possibly select the tier.
Moderate the whole planet.

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Again I don’t have all the technicals but it is not fair to say that they didn’t build something well without any data behind it. The plot system has gone through huge revisions since the first release - permissions, etc. So any system would become complicated outside of how “well it was coded.” The game has many linked systems so people need to respect that and stop just assuming or trying to make things sound super simple to fix.

The main one

No plotting disputes :rofl:

How many people have quit playing just because of this


Pay to win? There is no winning in boundless. The only victory I see in the game is building something awesome that people enjoy looking at and you are personally proud of. Unlimited plots is for creative in my eyes. Anything connected to the live universe should have the same rules. That’s just my opinion. And I’m not getting any planets so I guess it’s a bit irrelevant.


Agree 100%


I’m starting to come to the conclusion that my part in this discussion has come to an end.

Conclusion… my concept of a plotted piece of land is different to a few others and so as a result I dont think I’ll ever be able to buy into this freely plotted planet of mine that has been suggested.

I only want to be ableto pay the the price to have a planet of my own, to shape it as I see fit without any worry of anyone building anything i dont want it claiming land i hoped to use on the future. So as long as the rental price is not increased in order to pay for all the plots I will have gained… then I will not complain at all. I will very much rejoice at the unexpected win.

So I assume you will still need to “place” plots and beacons on this proposed system on order to control building permissions, footfall, etc and also allow for natural world regeneration to occur outside of plotted areas. Seems to be the only simple solution?

lol I think that will always exist.
Just imagine…a few buddies agree to build on a rental…someone gets their undies in a twist (always happens), then the rental owner removes them. Problem solved quickly, but I’m sure they’ll post about it on the forums :rofl:

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Yep then plotting dispute solved and the player booted gets a U Haul filled with their stuff :metal:

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And the ability to be “viceroy” of your own planet. How many have quit and labelled the game bad for all the fights and huge drama we have endured because of that system.

The purchase of a rental planet is that “a planet in the public world space.” I might be fine with a small “donation of plots only for private planet of like a few hundred” but right now am really against any plot advantages on private worlds because it puts the public worlds at disadvantage plot wise.


Plots shouldn’t be a thing on Creative planets. That’s the point of a Creative planet. 100% freedom to do anything, anywhere, in any way. There’s no point in having beacons or plots on a creative planet.


It really doesn’t, unless you could use those plots in the F2P space.


But how do you decide what plots will regenerate naturally? And how will you control building permissions without beacons and plots?

This will be relevant on many creative worlds.


Ever since James asked for feedback, have we heard anything else from the devs about our spreading fire of debating?

It’s Creative mode. Nothing like that matters. You can do whatever you want…reset things, terraform things, remove anything/anyone, add anything/anyone.

No I’m fairly certain we are just debating for the fun of it. We will get what we are given ultimately. :joy:


The devs are busy creating magic. :sparkles:

Ok so a creative world is purely for shaping and building on?

And there will be another kind of sovereign (rental) world available that has no rules at all except what the owner decides. For running mods freely, etc?

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They created magic by asking for our feedback :crazy_face:


Yes, they ask for feedback, then close the door slowly and run away. :smile::smile::smile:


From where I stand the Devs already made their statement years ago when they said that there are two types of rental planets – ones connected to Public universe that follow the exact systems and ones that aren’t.