DKPoll: Plots on sovereign worlds

So we’ve moved (again) over to this thread, huh?

When it hits 500 replies, will we start a new one or…?


And for fun, crazy things where everyone can fly…build with any blocks without having to gain XP or craft them…stuff like this:

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Yea plus he said currently plots are shared amongst public and private. So I agree decision have already be made.

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He said it’s open to feedback.

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That’s the planet I was thinking of. That will need plots and beacons. Regeneration will needto be able to be controlled on those worlds.

Not sure how you mean this.

The lua system will only be in creative and also it has “dev give” so there’s not much use for mining, crafting, etc …

Since you can also apparently manage to shorten forging times, growing times, blah blah blah I think it falls within what you mean by “free use of mods”?

The only thing you HAVE to do is forge though. Give menu pretty much eliminates any need for grinding, crafting, foraging, farming, etc …


Nope. None of that is needed on creative worlds

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Oh, absolutely. But there’s a world of difference between complex and brittle. A thing can be complicated and still only require small changes to make small changes. Having been through many iterations doesn’t implicitly make code bad. Not having the time to do it properly does. And that’s not an accusatory point, we can all see the pressure that the community puts them under, let alone any financial or other pressures that we don’t know about.

I get the impression that you either are or have been developer for some significant time, so I get the desire to protect other developers when ‘some nobody who may or may not know what they’re talking about’ calls them out. It still it what it is though.

Just cause a chef asks for feedback on a meal made, doesn’t mean they change the recipe.


I could see revisions in later releases where there are some adjustments. Ones like are being done for Local Worlds where a portal could exist that allows the person to play in both worlds with a new set of rules. So maybe then there might be a private with unlimited plots but other restrictions on how that person’s character interfaces with public worlds… Who knows how that plays out.

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He asked for feedback and I trust that. And the “meal” isn’t fully baked yet.


Yeah I’m fairly sure… we are all using different names for the same things and using the wrong names for the right things and the wrong names for the wrong things.

Difficult to explain that comment without going 4 levels of inception deep sorry.

Just popping in here to say that any game ever then better not advertise anything! MMORPGs better not show raids in advertising since a level 1 player can’t access them! Minecraft better shut down any marketing materials with players wearing armor or building anything since new players can’t do that until they punch a tree for the first time. Etc. etc.



Yea I trust they want feedback. I’m not saying they don’t. I’m saying it doesn’t mean they will change it.


Me in the live universe trying to see who on the private planets got that sweet new body paint. :eyes::joy:


It doesn’t mean they won’t either. They are still working on it.

No But I am sure they are reading it.

Nah. I’ll use that on a creative world maybe. No any no how am I paying cubits for a Georgio Oortmani creation.

Worth slightly less than one of your hammers :rofl:


F2P space? If the game is not F2P, we have all paid to be able to play, some even paid the deluxe version to have a little extra percentage of plots.

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The thing is, incentive is subjective. If I’m in the market for a car frame, then just the frame with no engine and tires sounds perfect.

If you don’t want a car frame but need a tire and engine then I guess it’s time to go to another shop (game) until such a time as this shop (WS) decides to add an engine and tire package. :man_shrugging: