Do we need a wipe?

I would guess that people dont like being called unrepentant zealots, or because calling for a thread to be deleted adds nothing to the conversation.

So, exactly the same reasons as before?

So basicly now “certain folks” are now attempting to Censor the conversation by flagging those of us who do not agree with their views. Strange how they want a conversation Up to and Until they do not like it


Ok I apologize for word use. I dont know how to better describe gains gotten from a system that was used in a way the devs have stated they did not intend it to be used. Can you please quit parsing ever word and just analyze the subject material? Or do you just not want to do that? If so that is fine. I thought the two of you wanted to engage on this but so far there has just been a steady barrage of "these arent problems’ ‘you are trolling’ etc I have better things to do with my time than troll a video game forum. I am posting because I enjoy this game and want to help make it better.

I may not be a backer but I have played since the game released on PS4. I don’t think people who are called ‘backers’ can lord that over those who have been here since the games official release and have stuck around this entire time while many others quit playing. Clearly we love and enjoy the game and want to make it better and it’s deeply upsetting that you can be called a troll or a socialist or whatever else because people don’t want to engage.


I’m done trying to have any sort of civil discourse on this forum. There are certain groups that come out every time something may broach their bubble. This is why I quit using the forums for months last time. These forums are toxic to discussing anything that might impact the health of the game. People are absolutely incapable of being objective at all. Havok And Xaladrax (sorry if I spelled this wrong) are 100% right. This community can not have any civil discourse and too bad for you because these conversations will still be had internally, they will go on, and you just won’t get the level of input we once had because of it. Maybe that’s what this game needs more than anything. I don’t know at this point. What I do know is these forums are only for certain people to use as their bully-pulpit.

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No, I dont believe that’s at all the case here.

(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)


This topic is temporarily closed for 10 hours due to a large number of community flags.

You have a very strange concept of “nothing offensive” if you think calling people morons is acceptable.

He’s not even talking to me, and I felt offended at even reading that. Yeah, I flagged it too. It takes more than a few votes to flag a post.

Edit: go home automod, you’re drunk.

Closing this thread.

Boundless is a persistent universe.