Do you use BUTT - Boundless Trade Tracker

Greetings Oortians,

The Boundless Trade Tracker Website, fondly known as the BUTT requires server renewal soon.
This poll has been created to establish how many players are still using this resource to aid their gameplay. This poll will be closed on Friday 13th (spooookaay)
Please only provide one answer, yes or no.

Do you currently use the BUTT website at least once a week?

  • No
  • Yes

0 voters


Daily User here! One of the best sites available :ok_hand:


A life without a butt sound sh*tty


My usual go to :wink:


The time before I knew about butt, was a pain in the ■■■■ :weary: hopping to every planet, checking there if they have what you need… but even then, that’s not the only thing. Can be very handy if you have your trader of trust and just clicking on its name and see their full Sortiment, being always up to date to their stock, what can be handier?


I said no, but only because I keep forgetting about it. I usually planet hop and knowledge tab to find what I need.


Best Way to find all the compact Coal I use to build with Boop

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What coal :thinking:

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coal to walk on, so you dont get soggy feet.

I am using Butt relativly regulatly - which means every day i am playing basically

I use this daily. Life without it would be very difficult or tedious to play the game. Found a lot of great little shops I wouldn’t have known about without BUTT


I don’t use it at least once a week, but it is very important when I do need it, extremely useful tool, so abstained from voting.

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Using it daily too,amazing website!!

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Sometimes … :slight_smile:

I use it daily , it’s an amazing tool .

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I was going to lie and say yes because it is a fantastic resource for players and I used to use it every day but now more building and hardly any buying,
Luckily looks like a big majority use it daily though :+1:
@Envyv77, if you don’t mind me asking, how much is the server cost? Could we contribute?


At least once a week, but I mostly use it daily, to check pricing, how to make cash, what materials to buy, and craft to make cash $ w $

If I’m on Boundless I will 100% use it at least once.

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Such a useful tool, mainly for saving time. I use it daily :ok_hand:


Hi Hazel1558 welcome and I totally agree :slight_smile:

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BUTT always makes my life easier!