[Downtime Complete] Update Deployed for 'Live Test'

Which dictionary says that “imminently” = hours? How many hours? 10? 24? 100? 1000? Show me an actual definition. How many hours did you mean? You didn’t seem to say either. I do think the faq will be up within 1000 hours, which is “within hours.”

You are talking about “implications” which actually have little do with “actual definitions” and you are conflating both. The implications you read are different from actual definitions and also different from the intended conveyed meaning. You can’t really fault someone when you infer something based on your own interpretation.


Jeeeeeeeez you guys love disagreeing about words :stuck_out_tongue:


I mean you basically just defined how language is intended to work :joy: it’s the general consensus on what a word means, not what an individual believes a word to mean.

But I like to think they are focusing all efforts on getting the sale of planets ready and postponing the FAQ to have all hands on deck for the urgent matters. As someone who’s been on the other end of an expected delivery more times than I could count, I know all too well how stressful it is to be the party failing to meet a deadline. And I’ve only have 5-10 people contacting me with questions about the delay, WS has hundreds of people commenting & demanding answers.


I refuse to get into a deffinition war with you. Imminent does not mean days it means it is about to happen which implies that it would be quicker than 1 2 3 or more days. I am bowing out because folks want to shame when people state their frustrations and then try to delegitimize their feelings and thoughts by attempting to shame people for posting their opinions by wrapping them up in irrelevant arguments around semantics.
If I used the term Imminent in one of my college courses and implied it was going to be be longer than just a few hours hours then I would have lost marks for not understanding the words I use.
Not to sound crass but I can assure you that imminent does not be 1 2 or more days. But I am done as I am sure I am arguing with a brick wall.
Good Hunting!

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Witch. Are you calling the devs witches? :woman_mage::man_mage:

Sorry I had to get you there :joy:


I don’t disagree with you there at all on all counts, but an update on what is going on and when to expect stuff would be more than great. Especially since I am sure I am not the only person who took Thursday and Friday off for this release and now I am beginning to feel like I am wasting my PTO.

I agree that we’ve been strung along and I’m butthurt too. The hype died for me a while ago and I don’t really care anymore.

That said, can we please stop this stupid war definition war and pettiness? It’s kinda sad. At this point it should be clear to everyone the devs do not communicate concrete timelines for anything and that’s just the way it is. Leave it at that.

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Typing too fast :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Nothing never changes if people don’t speak up.


Soooo what about them colors man. What color is everyone hoping for spawns in a sov?

I know peeps are desperately hoping for that black gleam.

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Anyways I am done now, I am going to play something else on my PTO until when and if we see this this weekend. If it isn’t out today it won’t be out this week we all know that.

Everyone have a good day.

I’ll be on Boundless imminently for today’s celebrations :wink:


Not trying to shame or delegitimize your feelings. If you feel frustrated you can feel frustrated. You don’t need to make claims that the devs “should have done X” or “should not have done Y” to validly feel impatient for something you are looking forward to. My position is that your feelings are fine and the devs work on this has been fine.

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I’ll be retiring from working (and not in the taking a rest sense) imminently so I can play more Boundless…at least imminently compared to like the heat death of the universe or some such.


I’m gonna log in-game imminently.

So next week, maybe. :rofl:


type slower and think faster @DragonTamer omg


Type slower and reply to the right person @Django omg

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Your not listening and that is fine. I am imminently done!

I am imminently going to log into the game - likely on Monday.

I’d love for the devs to come out and say something like, “hey guys, sorry for the delay and misunderstanding on the FAQ, it and the store opening have been delayed. We’re glad you guys are as passionate about the game as we are and we’re working hard on some final touches!”

That took me maybe 20 seconds to type on my phone, groggy, while in bed after having woken up.
