[Downtime Complete] Update Deployed for 'Live Test'

I always thought imminent had an ominous connotation attached to it but brushed it off as a misnomer on my behalf until I read your usage example.

You take a community that is already having a lot of anxiety about the game and start tossing around those kinds of words, you’re bound to invoke a feeling of impending doom in some of us :joy:


Please don’t speak for “everyone” as it does not actually include everyone. Your quote does not include me as I do not feel strung along by the comments. I understand it’s easy to misuse language.


Edited that should suit you better.

I am a stickler for choosing words that are appropriate to the situation and plans on the table. In short, I believe in precision of language. Imminent and Almost There have implications of immediacy. I stand by my statement that if they didn’t want to cause this they shouldn’t have said anything until it was absolutely ready.

I as well as everyone else I am sure appreciate the hard work they put in, however they could have more consideration for their community to be precise with their language. This is an example used in many of the negative reviews on steam.

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I’m not feeling any negativity or anything, but just like many of you I’ve been watching this forum like an over-caffeinated hawk, day and night.

My legs are just tired from all the running around a packed-up Brown Town with nothing to do :stuck_out_tongue:


So, you prefer less transparency?

Well, from another perspective they properly chose imprecise words without precise boundaries (imminent doesn’t have a fixed time associated with it, neither does almost there. 1% time difference on a 2 year journey is about 7 days, and most would consider 99% to be almost) because their true estimates were equally imprecise. Seems correct to me.

I have been thoroughly enjoying the party world :smiley: come visit compass hub at 0N 0E where people have opened portals to a variety of fresh builds < 24hr old.


I liked your Spoodle banner on the creative :slight_smile:

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I agree. It is also completely possible there is a factor outside their control that is holding up the process. I regularly have to network communication between several vendors and internal teams to bring to a customer. I would love everyone to follow the timetable…but vacations/dropping the ball/unresponsive requests…the reality is I have it when I have it.

If they are waiting on verification from a vendor on something (which could impact pricing) then they are only able to estimate and at the whims of the vendor awaiting their response.

I am sure they would provide it to us now if they could, no reason to hold back at this point (with the release out).

Just my 2c


Gonna wait it out a bit more and see what comes my way … how the new worlds will effect gameplay and populations ( world colors , there should be more the more you all bye your worlds … ) and then decide if I want one or not … now I am just looking forward to making my oorty cake :blush:

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No that is not what I said at all.
I basically said I wanted clarity not dubious terminology that is misleading at best. Hence the statement “Precision of language”.

Yea I too am anxious for the update just so I can setup a permanent base. I also realized that I didn’t have enough of a color to build so I’m hoping for RNG being in my favor.

Who would do this to a hawk lol


Thanks haha! I’m saving all my good ideas for sovereign :smiley:

“Imminent” and “almost there” are appropriately vague :slight_smile: No one said “within 24 hours” and in fact Sam said “at least 24 hours.” Devs aren’t at fault if you read something they didn’t write.

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If this was the case they should not have made it seem like it was happening imminently. With those types of hold ups it could take longer than a week to shore up those details. I know from experience, especially when you are seeking enterprise pricing on services that are tech related.

So we get to go from speculating on the release to speculating on the FAQ and the verbiage used. And the wheel keeps turning…:upside_down_face::upside_down_face::upside_down_face:

I hear ya, unfortunately always clear in the rear view mirror.

I am currently navigating a dispute with a customer and need a new contract drawn up. I have emailed this vendor easily 20 times in the last 4 months. Always a 24 - 48 hr turn around. So I set an expectation based on that.

We are a week out and I am still waiting.

We do the best we can. I am sure they are setting expectations based on what they think will happen, and are doing their best (with best intent) to try and deliver based on those expectations.

At least I feel so <3

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The last statement was unnecessary. Devs did write imminently which implies that that faq would have been up within hours. So I did not read something that was not there. Sorry if my use of language is strict and confined to the actual definitions of words, not the interpretation of the person using it.

Say what you mean to say and say what you mean.

I think this is an important point. Hearing from Sam was good. Hearing from Sam that they hit a roadblock and the FAQ would be slightly delayed wouldve been perfect.


@Clexarews THIS! 10 characters

thats a shame that your turnaround is long but if you’ve built that in then its built in. And at least you just typed up what’s going on. We can’t even really use examples like that because we don’t know anything! So fun :upside_down_face::upside_down_face::upside_down_face:

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I just find it a shame that some feel like others comments are not valid and like to down play them. If you are fine with misuse of language and the lack of clarity that is cool. But not all of us are fine with that and have a right to express ourselves and our frustrations. Especially in instances like this.

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