[Downtime Complete] Update Deployed for 'Live Test'

You’re the bestorst!

That is normal process if you can chunk out a release. They have done as much QA as they can internally, but when you release code to the wild, someone will always do something you likely did not expect. Release the game update now, make sure nothing breaks. Release 1 Sovereign world, make sure nothing breaks. Release the storefront so people can buy their own and prepare for the flood gates to open.


When open world shop I have to enter password?
What password do I use?

The screen where you redeem keys to keep your planet going.

Sry but what the f is floss. I have to Google it lol.

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It’s a dance by backpack kid. :blush:

Ok… Im officially old


I don’t think we have access to the world shop yet. It says in the post they’ll be available in 24 hours or so.


tyvm I just wanted my own world

i so called it that the worlds would be available Thursday…check last poll…lol


Anyone know how to get to the developer creative world?

Probably does not exist yet.

EDIT: I stand corrected. There is a Creative World over Delta Cancret. Name = Klendem


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once you find it you should be able to warp to it. I have not found it yet

No laying down emote?

Is it just me or are more planets visible in the sky? (not new planets, just more at once)

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I think there can be a max of 5 planets at once

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I think there have been some logic changes around that to accommodate viewing sovereign and creative planets as well as public worlds - not sure if that has changed how often planets cross the sky though.


I’m seeing 6 at a time on some US East planets but to be fair IDK how I should count planets when they are half occluded by another planet or half way below the horizon.

At least for now I feel like the sky is even prettier :smiley:

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it’s not a party unless it has lava :stuck_out_tongue: